Poppy Field

Poppy Field

A film by Eugen Jebeleanu. In Romanian with German subtitles.

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The thre­at of being outed cau­ses an explo­si­on of vio­lence: a Romanian dra­ma about the dilem­ma faced by a gay poli­ce­man in a homo­pho­bic socie­ty. Cristi, a poli­ce­man from Bucharest, keeps his sexua­li­ty secret becau­se he fears dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on in his macho envi­ron­ment. During a visit from his boy­fri­end who lives in ano­ther city, Cristi is deploy­ed to a cine­ma: a group of right-wing demons­tra­tors are try­ing to pre­vent a que­er film being shown. When one of the acti­vists reco­gni­zes Cristi and threa­tens to expo­se him, the young poli­ce­man loses it completely.


RO 2020, 81 Min., rumä­ni­sche OmU
Regie: Eugen Jebeleanu
Kamera: Marius Panduru
Schnitt: Cătălin Cristuţiu
mit: Conrad Mericoffer, Alexandru Potocean, Radouan Leflahi, Cendana Trifan, Ionuţ Nicolae, Alex Câlin, Rolando Matsangos, George Piștereanu

Poppy Field | Trailer
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