Drei Winter

Drei Winter

A film by Michael Koch. In Swiss German with German and English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Although a low­lan­der, Marco is a robust fel­low. He is now working as a farm­hand for moun­tain far­mer Alois in a remo­te Swiss alpi­ne vil­la­ge and, even at the regu­lars’ table at the local inn, peo­p­le are slow­ly lear­ning to app­re­cia­te this iced tea drin­ker. Anna is a local vil­la­ge girl; she has a daugh­ter, Julia, from a pre­vious rela­ti­onship. Some doubt whe­ther this new rela­ti­onship will work out – but not Marco or Anna. They get mar­ried. Their love is gent­le and beau­tiful; unable to ful­ly fathom it, they express it in simp­le words. The trust bet­ween them grows and their ten­der­ness endu­res; the hap­pi­ness they feel at every touch is only sur­pas­sed by the warmth of stro­king a cow. But soon Marco seems to be losing con­trol of his impul­ses more and more often …
Humankind and natu­re mer­ge in a uni­que way in Michael Koch’s film. Powered by the con­ge­ni­al nor­ma­li­ty of its non-pro­fes­sio­nal cast, his work fol­lows the rhythm of the sea­sons with a tran­quil con­vic­tion that is devo­id of hys­te­ria in spi­te of the cir­cum­s­tances – even if body and soul are fraught with ten­si­on. A jewel of a film.


Drii Winter
CH/DE 2022, 136 Min. schwei­zer­deut­sche OmU
Regie, Buch: Michael Koch
Kamera: Armin Dierolf
Schnitt: Florian Riegel
mit Michèle Brand, Simon Wisler, Elin Zgraggen, Daniela Barmettler, Josef Aschwanden

Drei Winter (offi­zi­el­ler Trailer) – ein Film von Michael Koch
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