
a film by Serpil Turhan. In German and Kurdish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

KÖY (Turkish for vil­la­ge) is about the lon­ging for home, for belon­ging and the free­dom of the self. Three women from three gene­ra­ti­ons are united by their Kurdish roots. All of them ori­gi­na­te from vil­la­ges in eas­tern Turkey and live in Berlin. Against the back­ground of the poli­ti­cal chan­ges in Turkey, Serpil Turhan held inten­se dis­cus­sions over a peri­od of three years. KÖY cap­tures each woman’s emo­tio­nal world and shows frag­ments of the ordi­na­ry. Hêvîn, Saniye and Neno do not meet, but their sto­ries are lin­ked when it comes to self-deter­mi­na­ti­on and belonging.


DE 2021, 90 Min.,
Regie: Serpil Turhan,
Kamera: Ute Freund
Schnitt: Simon Quack & Eva Hartmann 

Köy Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
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Das Ereignis

a film by Audrey Diwan. Starts March 31st at the fsk. In French with German subtitles. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Access to abor­ti­on, now con­side­red an ina­li­enable human right in the Western world, was only made pos­si­ble by the cou­ra­ge­ous strug­gles car­ri­ed out by women from the late 1960s onward. L’EVÉNEMENT takes place at the dawn of this cru­cial coll­ec­ti­ve awa­re­ness, at a time when abor­ti­on was still con­side­red a cri­mi­nal offen­se in France. Audrey Diwan brings Annie Ernaux’s auto­bio­gra­phi­cal novel (2000) to life on the screen with a sober, sen­si­ti­ve touch.
Student Annie, the film’s heroi­ne, is the pro­to­ty­pe of a young woman deter­mi­ned to take her desti­ny into her own hands, to do what she wants with her body and con­se­quent­ly her life.
Shifting with a dre­a­my flui­di­ty bet­ween ensem­ble sce­nes – Annie lives in a stu­dent house and shares her ever­y­day life with a lar­ge group of girls – and the soli­ta­ry wan­de­rings of her prot­ago­nist, the direc­tor subt­ly expres­ses the trou­bles and vital decis­i­ons that this incre­asing­ly lonely girl must con­t­end with. In this con­stant­ly ten­se but never melo­dra­ma­tic chro­nic­le, actress Anamaria Vartolomei – the film’s gre­at reve­la­ti­on – embo­dies Annie’s fate with pas­sio­na­te deter­mi­na­ti­on. In the inten­si­ty of her gaze, we can sen­se the enti­re future of fema­le eman­ci­pa­ti­on. (Maria Giovanna Vagenas)


L‘ Evénement
FR 2021, 100 min., frz. OmU
Regie: Audrey Diwan
Kamera: Laurent Tangy
Schnitt: Géraldine Mangenot
mit: Anamaria Vartolomei, Kacey Mottet-Klein, Luàna Bajrami, Louise Orry Diquero, Louise Chevillotte, Pio Marmaï, Sandrine Bonnaire, Anna Mouglalis, Leonor Oberson, Fabrizio Rongione

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A film by Philip Scheffner. In French an Arabic with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Previously acclai­med for his essay­i­stic docu­men­ta­ries, Philip Scheffner has now ven­tu­red into fic­tion. Zohra, play­ed by Rhim Ibrir, alre­a­dy fea­tured in Scheffner’s HAVARIE (Berlinale Forum 2016), is living in a town in sou­thwes­tern France. She has a seve­re case of sco­lio­sis. Volker Sattel’s came­ra­work exami­nes X‑rays, fol­lows Zohra to the hos­pi­tal and to an indoor swim­ming pool for rehab and sits right next to her or behind her on the bus. The images are crisp and floo­ded with sum­mer light, the sen­se of place and space is so pre­cise that we know each of the bus stops along her way: first Poste, then Piscine, then Europe.
When Zohra’s con­di­ti­on impro­ves, her resi­dence per­mit is not rene­wed, so she has to go back to Algeria. Her case worker shrugs his should­ers: it’s out of his hands, he says, not­hing he can do about it. A fade to black marks a tur­ning point in the sto­ry, after which the heroi­ne dis­ap­pears from view. Scheffner con­ti­nues to vary this game of the visi­ble and the invi­si­ble for a while until dream and ever­y­day rea­li­ty fuse in the sum­mer heat and gla­ring sun­light to crea­te a shim­me­ring nar­ra­ti­ve in the sub­junc­ti­ve. (Cristina Nord)


DE/FR 2022, 105 Min., Französisch, Arabisch OmU,
Regie: Philip Scheffner
Kamera: Volker Sattel.
Schnitt: Philip Scheffner

Mit: Rhim Ibrir, Thierry Cantin, Didier Cuillierier, Sadya Bekkouche

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100 Jahre Pasolini: MAMMA ROMA 

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

[Tickets & Termine]

Als ihr Zuhälter und Vater ihres Kindes eine ande­re Frau hei­ra­tet, ver­sucht Mamma Roma (Anna Magnani) die Vergangenheit hin­ter sich zu las­sen und ein neu­es Leben anzu­fan­gen: Sie zieht mit ihrem 16-jäh­ri­gen Sohn, der auf dem Land in einem Internat auf­ge­wach­sen ist, in eine bür­ger­li­che Gegend und betreibt einen Gemüsestand. Das neue gemein­sa­me Leben ent­puppt sich als span­nungs­ge­la­de­ner als geplant, und plötz­lich erscheint auch der Zuhälter Carmine wie­der, inzwi­schen von sei­ner neu­en Frau getrennt, und stellt sie vor ein Ultimatum.

Regie: Pier Paolo Pasolini
Kamera: Tonino Delli Colli
Musik: Carlo Rustichelli
Mit: Anna Magnani, Ettore Garofolo, Franco Citti, Silvana Corsini, Luisa Loiano, Paolo Volponi etc.

IT, 1962, 105 min., OmU, FSK: 12

Parallele Mütter

a Film by Pedro Almodóvar. In Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Two women coin­ci­de in a hos­pi­tal room whe­re they are going to give birth. Both are sin­gle and beca­me pregnant by acci­dent. Janis, midd­le-aged, doesn’t reg­ret it and is exul­tant. The other, Ana, an ado­le­s­cent, is scared, rep­en­tant and trau­ma­tis­ed. Janis tri­es to encou­ra­ge her while they move like sleep­wal­kers along the hos­pi­tal cor­ri­dors. The few words they exch­an­ge in tho­se hours will crea­te a very clo­se link bet­ween the two, which by chan­ce deve­lo­ps and beco­mes com­pli­ca­ted, chan­ging their lives in a decisi­ve way.


Madres parale­las
Spanien 2021, 126 min., span. OmU
Regie und Buch: Pedro Almodóvar
Kamera: José Luis Alcaine
Schnitt: Teresa Font
mit: Penélope Cruz, Milena Smit, Rossy de Palma, Israel Elejalde, Aitana Sánchez Gijón, Julietta Serrano, Daniela Santiago

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A Hero

a film by Asghar Farhadi. Starts March 31st at the fsk. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Rahim is in pri­son becau­se of a debt he was unable to repay. During a two-day lea­ve, he tri­es to con­vin­ce his cre­di­tor to with­draw his com­plaint against the pay­ment of part of the sum. But things don’t go as planned …


قهرمان Ghahreman, IR 2021, 127 Min., far­si OmU
Regie & Buch: Asghar Farhadi
Kamera: Ali Ghazi
Schnitt: Hayedeh Safiyari
mit: Amir Jadidi, Mohsen Tanabandeh, Fereshteh Sadre Orafaiy, Sarina Farhadi, Sahar Goldust

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Aheds Knie

a film by Nadav Lapid. Starts March 17th at the fsk. In Hebrew with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]r]

Y., an Israeli film­ma­ker in his mid-for­ties, arri­ves in a remo­te vil­la­ge at the far end of the desert to pre­sent one of his films. There he meets Yahalom, an offi­cer for the Ministry of Culture, and finds hims­elf fight­ing two losing batt­les: one against the death of free­dom in his coun­try, the other against the death of his mother.


Israel/ Deutschland/ Frankreich 2021 ‚109 Min., hebr. OmU
Regie & Buch: Nadav Lapid
Kamera: Shaï Goldman
Schnitt: Nili Feller
mit: Avshalom Pollak, Nur Fibak, Yoram Honig, Lidor Ederi, Yonathan Kugler

Aheds Knie (offi­zi­el­ler OmdU Trailer)
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Abteil Nr. 6

a film by Juho Kuosmanen. Starts March 31st at the fsk. In Finnish and Russian with German subtitles,

[Credits] [Tickets] [Trailer]

Originally plan­ned as a joint train trip with her lover, the shy Finn Laura embarks on the jour­ney to the arc­tic port of Murmansk to visit anci­ent rock pain­tings alo­ne by hers­elf. Forced to share the long ride and a tiny slee­ping car with a Russian miner, the unex­pec­ted encoun­ter leads the occu­pants of Compartment no. 6 to face the truth about their own year­ning for human connection.


Hytti nro 6, Compartment No. 6
FI/DE/EE/RU 2021, 107 Min., russ. finn. OmU
Regie: Juho Kuosmanen
Kamera: Jani-Petteri Passi
Schnitt: Jussi Rautaniemi
mit: Seidi Haarla, Jury Borisov, Yulija Aug

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Der Mann, der seine Haut verkaufte

A film by Kaouther Ben Hania. In Arabic, English and French with German subtitles

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Sam Ali, a young sen­si­ti­ve and impul­si­ve Syrian, left his coun­try for Lebanon to escape the war. To be able to tra­vel to Europe and live with the love of his life, he accepts to have his back tat­to­oed by one of by the World’s most sul­fu­rous con­tem­po­ra­ry artist. Turning his own body into a pres­ti­gious pie­ce of art, Sam will howe­ver come to rea­li­ze that his decis­i­on might actual­ly mean any­thing but freedom.


TN/FR/BE 2020, 104‘ min., Arabisch/Englisch/Französisch OmU, Regie: Kaouther Ben Hania, Kamera: Nestor Salazar, Schnitt: Marie-Hélène Dozo, mit Yahya Mahayni, Dea Liane, Koen De Bouw, Monica Bellucci

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a film by Ali Vatansever. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The Fikirtepe dis­trict of Istanbul. Urban trans­for­ma­ti­on is swee­ping away the poor com­mu­ni­ties, and Syrian refu­gees take shel­ter in deser­ted buil­dings. Kamil and his wife Remziye risk losing their home. Unemployed for a long time, Kamil has no choice but to secret­ly accept a job on a con­s­truc­tion site. Not only is he taking the job from a Syrian refu­gee, he’s also working for the com­pa­ny tha­t’s des­troy­ing the area next door. Oppression and anxie­ty in his neigh­bor­hood and at work, whe­re he’s accept­ed the low wages paid to refu­gees, gra­du­al­ly trans­form him. When Kamil dis­ap­pears, Remziye has to face the con­se­quen­ces of his actions. (Cineuropa)enzen sei­ner Taten stellen.


DE, RO, TR 2021, 108 min., Türkische OmU
Buch und Regie: Ali Vatansever
Kamera: Tudor Vladimir Panduru
mit Erol Afsin, Saadet Aksoy, Kida Khodr Ramadan

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