a film by Ali Vatansever. 

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The Fikirtepe dis­trict of Istanbul. Urban trans­for­ma­ti­on is swee­ping away the poor com­mu­ni­ties, and Syrian refu­gees take shel­ter in deser­ted buil­dings. Kamil and his wife Remziye risk losing their home. Unemployed for a long time, Kamil has no choice but to secret­ly accept a job on a con­s­truc­tion site. Not only is he taking the job from a Syrian refu­gee, he’s also working for the com­pa­ny that’s des­troy­ing the area next door. Oppression and anxie­ty in his neigh­bor­hood and at work, whe­re he’s accept­ed the low wages paid to refu­gees, gra­du­al­ly trans­form him. When Kamil dis­ap­pears, Remziye has to face the con­se­quen­ces of his actions. (Cineuropa)enzen sei­ner Taten stellen.


DE, RO, TR 2021, 108 min., Türkische OmU
Buch und Regie: Ali Vatansever
Kamera: Tudor Vladimir Panduru
mit Erol Afsin, Saadet Aksoy, Kida Khodr Ramadan

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