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a film by Benoît Delépine & Gustave Kervern. Starts October 28th at the fsk. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

In a pro­vin­cial sub­urb, three neigh­bours come to terms with the con­se­quen­ces of the new world of social media. Marie, who lives off her husband’s fami­ly allo­wan­ce, is afraid of losing her son’s respect becau­se of a sex tape. Bertrand can’t say no to adver­ti­sing calls and is fight­ing to pro­tect his daugh­ter, who is being bul­lied online. Christine, after losing ever­y­thing becau­se of her addic­tion to TV series, won­ders why her rating as an Uber dri­ver is not taking off. These three lone figh­ters are inca­pa­ble of fin­ding a solu­ti­on to their pro­blems on their own – until they join forces to decla­re war on the tech giants. Ostensibly a sit­com, Effacer l’his­to­ri­que cap­tures our 21st cen­tu­ry rea­li­ty in a way few other films have: the­re is neither histo­ry nor are the­re sto­ries, neither left-wing nor right. Instead of a phy­si­cal boss who enforces our obe­dience, an invi­si­ble, data-spe­wing cloud con­trols us and devours our iden­ti­ties. This third Berlinale film by Delépine and Kervern is an empa­the­tic tri­bu­te to tho­se who are “left behind”, who hold up a mir­ror to us all and our per­cep­ti­ons of reality.

The Silver Bear – 70th Berlinale


Effacer l’historique
FR 2020, 110 Min., frz. OmU,
Regie: Benoît Delépine & Gustave Kervern
Kamera: Hugues Poulain
Schnitt: Stéphane Guillot Elmadjian
mit: Blanche Gardin, Denis Podalydès, Corinne Masiero

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