Meine schöne innere Sonne

A Film by Clair Denis. Starts Dezember, In french with ger­man subtitles.

This dra­ma (if that is the cor­rect word) fea­tures Isabelle, a divorced artist in paris. She is now sin­gle, lives alo­ne, and unable to deci­de if sear­ching for the One is an urgent prio­ri­ty or a fatui­ty which is pre­ven­ting her from enjoy­ing life and expe­ri­en­cing plea­su­re. She has lovers and the­se liai­sons are dan­ge­rous in that they don’t seem to pro­vi­de the satis­fac­tion they ought.
All the romance, the ero­ti­cism, the exqui­si­te dis­sa­tis­fac­tion of not kno­wing how or whe­ther to be in love, is all disper­sed into tal­king and deba­te and the intellec­tu­al inter­play of ide­as. Of cour­se that may sound like an un-sexy ordeal and very French. And in bla­ckest of black comic sen­ses that is pre­cis­e­ly what it is. The talk’s comic con­tent is most­ly wit­hout the easy laughs and obvious comic beats of, say, Woody Allen or Noah Baumbach. But the­re are big, genui­ne laughs here, too: chief­ly when Isabelle explo­des with rage at an artists’ rustic retre­at when one of her con­tem­po­r­a­ri­es gives vent to an insuf­fera­ble dis­cour­se on his rela­ti­onship to the coun­try­si­de. (Peter Bradshaw)


OT: Un Beau Soleil Intérieur
Frankreich 2017, 94 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: Claire Denis
Kamera: Agnes Godard
Schnitt: Guy Lecorne

Darsteller: Juliette Binoche, Xavier Beauvois, Philippe Katerine, Paul Blain, Gérard Depardieu, Nicolas Duvauchelle