Mein Ende. Dein Anfang.

A film by Mariko Minoguchi. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

For Nora and Aron it is love at first sight when they encoun­ter each other on a rai­ny day whilst taking the under­ground. It was a com­ple­te coin­ci­dence, Nora says. Aron dis­agrees: it was pre­de­ter­mi­ned. But the young cou­ple then get caught up in a vio­lent bank rob­be­ry. Aron is shot by the mas­ked gun­man and dies in Nora’s arms. For Nora, time stands still. She numbs her pain, spen­ding the night with a stran­ger – Natan. He pro­vi­des Nora with sta­bi­li­ty. She has the stran­ge fee­ling that she knows him alre­a­dy, but does not yet know what real­ly con­nects them…


DE 2019, 111 Min., OmeU
Regie: Mariko Minoguchi
Kamera: Julian Krubasik
Schnitt: Andreas Menn,
mit: Saskia Rosendahl, Julius Feldmeier, Edin Hasanovic, Jeanette Hain, Lilly Forgach


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


MEIN ENDE. DEIN ANFANG. | Trailer | deutsch/german