Liebe Angst

Liebe Angst

In German.

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Kim has her music. Kim has her dogs. Kim has her faith. Kim strug­gles, every day: with anxie­ty, for a bit of nor­ma­li­ty, to stand on her own two feet. Kim’s mother, Lore, was depor­ted to Auschwitz at the age of six. To this day, Lore is a DP, a dis­pla­ced per­son. Lore has her index cards. From mor­ning till night, she tran­scri­bes artic­les from the dai­ly news­pa­per, archi­ving them in boxes and bas­kets. All her life, Lore has been silent: about her mother, about the hiding place whe­re she sur­vi­ved, about Tom, her son, Kim’s brot­her, who took his own life. Kim ins­tead wants to talk: about her child­hood with Lore, about Tom, about the scar­red lives they both lead. There is a lot of anger, a lot of strength, and a love bet­ween mother and daugh­ter that was always the­re but could not be expressed.


DE 2022, 81 Min.
Regie: Sandra Prechtel
Kamera: Susanne Schüle
Schnitt: Andreas Zitzmann

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