
A film by Angela Schanelec. In Greek and English with German and English subtitles.

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The myth of Oedipus is the core of this mas­terful pie­ce of ellip­ti­cal sto­rytel­ling in which every detail, no mat­ter how small, beco­mes a sign – or not. This is a film that trans­ports us from the moun­ta­ins and bea­ches of Greece to the lakes of Berlin, and from some­time in the 1980s to the pre­sent day. In bet­ween, the­re is one date that can be ascer­tai­ned: 2006 (fea­turing foot­ball and two decisi­ve minu­tes for Italy).
A new­born baby boy is res­cued from a storm one night. Paramedic Elias and his wife take him in, name him Jon, and rai­se him. As a young man, Jon is atta­cked and com­mits mans­laugh­ter. The vic­tim is none other than … During his inc­ar­ce­ra­ti­on, Jon and a fema­le pri­son offi­cer named Iro beco­me a cou­ple. The tape recor­der is play­ing baro­que music: the play­list includes Monteverdi, Bach, Pergolesi. The aes­the­tics of this music deve­lop into the film’s informing prin­ci­ple, reflec­ting events in a lucid­ly enig­ma­tic and con­cre­te­ly abs­tract way that revels in its own austeri­ty. In Angela Schanelec’s baro­que-post­mo­dern cine­ma, for­mu­las from the doc­tri­nes of the affec­tions and figu­res app­ly. An addic­ti­ve intellec­tu­al-sen­su­al chall­enge that allows us to blind­ly see.

Berlinale 2023 – Competition


Deutschland / Frankreich / Serbien 2023, 108 Min., Griechisch, Englisch OmU
Regie, Buch & Schnitt: Angela Schanelec
Kamera: Ivan Marković
mit Aliocha Schneider, Agathe Bonitzer, Marisha Triantafyllidou, Argyris Xafis, Frida Tarana

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