Bonjour Paris – Jeune Femme

A film by Léonor Sérraill. In french with ger­man subtitles.

Paula cau­ses trou­ble whe­re­ver she turns up. The 31-year-old just cut hers­elf on her ex-boyfriend’s locked apart­ment door. With no money and no job she finds hers­elf on the streets of Paris, Persian cat in arms. Rejected by her mother, Paula sets off on an odys­sey through a city to which she has only just retur­ned after a trip abroad. A fri­end­ly stran­ger, a com­ple­te­ly unfit­ting job in a depart­ment store and a smart girl help her get back on her feet again. Life, howe­ver, has alre­a­dy plan­ned the next sur­pri­se. Léonor Seraille’s direc­to­ri­al debut sees the main character’s unstoppable ener­gy super­b­ly expres­sed by Laetitia Dosch. This gem of a dra­me­dy recei­ved the Caméra d’Or at Cannes.

OT: Jeune Femme
Frankreich 2017, 97 Min., frz. OmU
Regie: Léonor Sérraill
Kamera: Émilie Noblet
Schnitt: Clémence Carré
Laetitia Dosch
Grégoire Monsaingeon
Souleymane Seye Ndiaye
Léonie Simaga
Nathalie Richard

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