Category Archives: jetzt

My Stolen Planet

A film by Farahnaz Sharifi. In Farsi with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

My Stolen Planet is a dia­ry-style nar­ra­ti­ve by Farah, an Iranian film­ma­ker. Born during the Islamic revo­lu­ti­on in Iran in 1979, she cap­tures moments of joy and defi­ance in her dai­ly life, navi­ga­ting the con­trast bet­ween dome­stic free­dom and exter­nal oppres­si­on. Simultaneously, she coll­ects 8mm archi­ves from peo­p­le she doesn’t know. Relying on the­se recor­dings from other peo­p­le, she gains a new per­spec­ti­ve on losing memo­ries. Her con­nec­tion with Leyla, an Iranian pro­fes­sor who left Iran during the revo­lu­ti­on, adds a name and a sto­ry to one of the faces in her archi­ve. Farah’s mother, who is suf­fe­ring from Alzheimer’s, moti­va­tes her to con­ti­nue her fight against for­get­ting. In the autumn of 2022, the Women, Life, Freedom upri­sing beco­mes a tur­ning point in Farah’s life, as well as in the lives of many others in Iran. This is a home­ma­de history.


Sayyareye doz­di­de sho­deye man
DE/IR 2024, 82 Min., far­si OmU
Regie, Kamera, Schnitt: Farahnaz Sharifi 

MY STOLEN PLANET – Offizieller Trailer Deutsch (2024)
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filmPOLSKA 2024

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

Vom 12.–18.09.2024 fin­det die­ses Jahr zum 19. Mal das größ­te pol­ni­sche Filmfestival außer­halb Polens statt (mehr, Katalog). Im fsk zei­gen wir alle sie­ben Wettbewerbsbeiträge und zwei Specials:

Fri., 13. Sep.:

Sat., 14. Sep.:Sun., 15. Sep.:Mon., 16. Sep.:Tue., 17. Sep.:Wed., 18. Sep.:


A film by Aslı Özarslan. In German and Turkish with German and English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Hazal’s grea­test wish is to have a life. In spi­te of many appli­ca­ti­ons, she isn’t invi­ted to a sin­gle job inter­view. Instead, she is stuck in a Job Centre trai­ning pro­gram that fails to open up any new oppor­tu­ni­ties for her. But on her 18th bir­th­day, Hazal feels powerful. It is like the old days when she and her fri­ends belie­ved they could achie­ve any­thing as long as they stuck tog­e­ther. It’s only when they’re queu­e­ing to get into a hip club that Hazal feels they don’t belong the­re. And she’s right. The boun­cer refu­ses to let them in. On their way home, they’re ver­bal­ly abu­sed by an arro­gant stu­dent. The situa­ti­on escala­tes, Hazal’s frus­tra­ti­on about all the rejec­tions erupts into a fatal act. Hazal flees head­long to Istanbul, a stran­ge city in a coun­try unknown to her. There, she has to sur­vi­ve on her own, no mat­ter what the cost.
Ellbogen tells the sto­ry of a young woman who is pushed out of socie­ty and has to reset the cour­se of her life. We want to run through the night with her; we want to know what hap­pens next – for her, and for us all.


DE/TK/FR 2024, 86 Min., Deutsch, Türkisch Originalfassung mit deut­schen und eng­li­schen Untertiteln
Regie: Aslı Özarslan

Kamera: Andac Karabeyoglu-Thomas
Schnitt: David J. Achilles, Ana Branea
mit: Melia Kara, Doğa Gürer, Jale Arıkan, Haydar Şahin, Orhan Kiliç, Jamilah Bagdach, Asya Utku, Mina Sağdıç 

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Sad Jokes

Sad Jokes

A film by Fabian Stumm. Starts September 12th at the fsk. In German, English, Swedish and Italian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Joseph and Sonya share an inti­ma­te fri­end­ship and their young son, whom they’re rai­sing tog­e­ther. While Joseph, a film direc­tor, is dou­bly preoc­cu­p­ied with a new idea for a film and with the after­math of a pre­vious rela­ti­onship, Sonya suf­fers from depres­si­on. When she is hos­pi­ta­li­zed, Joseph must jugg­le both his ever­y­day com­mit­ments and his artis­tic ambitions.


DE 2024, 96 Min., deutsch-eng­lisch-schwe­disch-ita­lie­ni­sche Originalfassung, teil­wei­se mit deut­schen Untertiteln
Regie: Fabian Stumm
Kamera: Michael Bennett

Schnitt: Kaspar Panizza
mit Fabian Stumm, Haley Louise Jones, Justus Meyer, Ulrica Flach, Jonas Dassler, Godehard Giese, Marie-Lou Sellem

SAD JOKES Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
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Was will der Lama mit dem Gewehr?

Was will der Lama mit dem Gewehr?

A film by Pawo Choyning Dorji. In Dzongkha and English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Kingdom of Bhutan, 2006. Modernization has final­ly arri­ved. Bhutan beco­mes the last coun­try in the world to con­nect to the inter­net and tele­vi­si­on, and now the big­gest chan­ge of all: demo­cra­cy. To teach the peo­p­le how to vote, the aut­ho­ri­ties orga­ni­ze a mock elec­tion, but the locals seem uncon­vin­ced. Traveling to rural Bhutan whe­re reli­gi­on is more popu­lar than poli­tics, the elec­tion super­vi­sor dis­co­vers that a monk is plan­ning a mys­te­rious cerem­o­ny for the elec­tion day.


The Monk and the Gun
BT 2023, 107 Min., Dzongkha, Englisch OmU
Regie: Pawo Choyning Dorji

Kamera: Jigme Tenzing
Schnitt: Hsiao-Yun Ku

mit: Tandin Wangchuk, Deki Lhamo, Pema Zangmo Sherpa, Tandin Sonam, Harry Einhorn, Choeying Jatsho, Tandin Phubz, Yuphel Lhendup Selden, Kelsang Choejay

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Crossing – Auf der Suche nach Tekla

A film by Levan Akin. In Georgian, Turkish and English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Lia, a reti­red tea­cher, has made a pro­mi­se to find out what hap­pen­ed to her long-lost nie­ce, Tekla. When Lia lear­ns from a neigh­bour, Achi, that Tekla might have left their Georgian home­land and be living in Turkey, Lia and Achi set off tog­e­ther to find her. Arriving in Istanbul, they dis­co­ver a beau­tiful city full of con­nec­tions and pos­si­bi­li­ties. But sear­ching for someone who never inten­ded to be found is har­der than they expec­ted – until they meet Evrim, a lawy­er fight­ing for trans rights. As Lia and Achi wea­ve their way through the city’s back­streets, Tekla starts to feel clo­ser than ever.
Levan Akin’s fourth fea­ture film is fil­led with an impres­si­ve emo­tio­nal imme­dia­cy. Two initi­al­ly hesi­tant stran­gers over­co­me not only ideo­lo­gi­cal but also inter­nal boun­da­ries on their mis­si­on and join forces. The topo­gra­phy of the city plays just as important a role in this ode to huma­ni­ty as the array of cha­rac­ters that live within it.


SE/DK/FR/TR/GE 2023, 105 Min., geor­gisch, tür­kisch, engl. OmU
Regie: Levan Akin
Kamera: Lisabi Fridell
Schnitt: Emma Lagrelius, Levan Akin
mit: Mzia Arabuli, Lucas Kankava, Deniz Dumanlı 

CROSSING – Trailer OmU German | Deutsch
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