Category Archives: jetzt

Am I OK?

A film by Stephanie Allynne & Tig Notaro. In English.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Lucy is a 32-year-old woman living in Los Angeles with her best fri­end Jane and working as a recep­tio­nist at a spa. She finds litt­le satis­fac­tion in her roman­tic life, inclu­ding with her fri­end Ben, who beco­mes frus­tra­ted at her con­tin­ued avo­id­ance of his advan­ces. Jane recei­ves a work pro­mo­ti­on that will requi­re her to relo­ca­te to London, and goes out for drinks with Lucy and Jane’s boy­fri­end Danny to cele­bra­te. After Jane con­fes­ses to kis­sing a fema­le fri­end as a teen­ager, Lucy drun­ken­ly tells her that she thinks she might be a les­bi­an. Jane encou­ra­ges her to explo­re her fee­lings, sug­gest­ing that Lucy should pur­sue her flir­ta­tious mas­sa­ge the­ra­pist co-worker Brittany.

Lucy invi­tes Brittany to her house for din­ner, but recei­ves mixed signals as Brittany shares about her ex-boy­fri­end, but also decla­res her sexua­li­ty to be „on the spec­trum” and kis­ses her befo­re lea­ving. Jane brings Lucy to a les­bi­an bar, but Lucy is shy and soon lea­ves after see­ing Jane kis­sing other women on the dance flo­or; the two fight and stop spea­king. Lucy meets up with Brittany again. The two have sex, but Brittany quick­ly lea­ves the fol­lo­wing mor­ning and beco­mes distant, later recon­ci­ling with her ex-boy­fri­end. Meanwhile, Jane deals with the pres­su­res of her upco­ming move, inclu­ding her self-absor­bed co-worker Kat and Danny’s con­fes­si­on that he does not want to join Jane in London as she assu­med he would.

Lucy quits her job to return to her pas­si­on of pain­ting, and beg­ins mee­ting other women on dating apps. She comes out to Ben, and the two recon­ci­le as fri­ends. After going on a „ham­mock retre­at” with Kat, Jane makes up with Lucy, exci­ted­ly offe­ring sup­port for the chan­ges in her life. Lucy offers to dri­ve Jane to the air­port as she heads to London, only to reve­al that she will be joi­ning her on the trip to help ease her transition.


US 2022, 86 Min., engl., OV
Regie & Schnitt: Stephanie Allynne & Tig Notaro
Kamera: Cristina Dunlap
Schnitt: Kayla Emter · Glen Scantlebury
mit: Dakota Johnson, Sonoya Mizuno, Jermaine Fowler, Kiersey Clemons, Molly Gordon

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Ein kleines Stück vom Kuchen

A film by Maryam Moghaddam & Behtash Sanaeeha. In Farsi with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The 70-year-old Mahin has been living alo­ne in Tehran sin­ce her hus­band died and her daugh­ter left for Europe. One after­noon, tea with fri­ends leads her to break her soli­ta­ry rou­ti­ne and revi­ta­li­se her love life. But as Mahin opens hers­elf up to a new romance, what beg­ins as an unex­pec­ted encoun­ter quick­ly evol­ves into an unpre­dic­ta­ble, unfor­gettable evening.


Keyke mah­boo­be man / My favou­ri­te cake
IR/FR/SE/DE 2024, 97 Min., far­si OmU
Regie: Maryam Moghaddam, Behtash Sanaeeha
Kamera: Mohammad Haddadi
Schnitt: Ata Mehrad, Behtash Sanaeeha, Ricardo Saraiva
mit: Lily Farhadpour, Esmail Mehrabi, 

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Exile never ends

A film by Bahar Bektaş. In German and Turkish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The lon­ging for your home­land never goes away,” says the film­ma­ker Bahar Bektaş. Her brot­her is in pri­son in Germany. He is sup­po­sed to be depor­ted and is wai­ting for the ear­ly trans­fer to Turkey he has reques­ted. Because the­re seems to be no end to the wai­ting, Bahar turns her came­ra on her Alevi Kurdish fami­ly and exami­nes the con­se­quen­ces of being uproo­ted. Ina Borrmann


DE 2024, 100 Min., Deutsch, Türkisch mit deut­schen Untertiteln
Regie: Bahar Bektaş.
Kamera: Antonia Kilian und Meret Madörin
Schnitt: Arash Asadi

Exile never ends | offi­zi­el­ler deut­scher Trailer
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A film by Eva Trobisch. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Ivo works as a pal­lia­ti­ve home-care nur­se. Every day, she visits fami­lies, cou­ples and sin­gle peo­p­le. They live in small flats and lar­ge hou­ses. They all have dif­fe­rent lives and deaths. They all have dif­fe­rent ways of deal­ing with the time that remains. At home, Ivo’s teenage daugh­ter has long sin­ce beco­me inde­pen­dent. From mor­ning to night, Ivo dri­ves around in her old Skoda which she has made into her per­so­nal living space. Here, she eats her meals, works, sings, swears and dreams. One of her pati­ents, Solveigh, has beco­me a clo­se fri­end. Ivo has also for­med a rela­ti­onship with Solveigh’s hus­band, Franz. Day after day, the two work tog­e­ther to care for Solveigh. And they sleep with each other. Solveigh’s strength is dimi­nis­hing and she soon has to rely on sup­port for the simp­lest tasks. She wants the final decis­i­on to be her own: she wants Ivo to help her die.


DE 2024, 104 Min., deut­sche OmeU
Regie: Eva Trobisch
Kamera: Adrian Campean
Schnitt: Laura Lauzemis
mit Minna Wündrich, Pia Hierzegger, Lukas Turtur

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Auf trockenen Gräsern

A film by Nuri Bilge Ceylan. In Turkish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Samet (Deniz Celiloglu) is a young tea­cher in Eastern Anatolia. While wai­ting seve­ral years for a trans­fer to Istanbul, a series of events make him lose all hope. Until the day he meets Nuray (Merve Dizdar), a young tea­cher like him…


TK/FR 2023, 197 Min., türk. OmU
Regie: Nuri Bilge Ceylan
Kamera: Cevahİr Şahİn, Kürşat Üresİn
Schnitt: Oğuz Atabaş, Nuri Bilge Ceylan
Kamera: Cevahİr Şahİn, Nuri Bilge Ceylan
mit: Deniz Celiloğlu, Merve Dizdar, Musab Ekici

Auf tro­cke­nen Gräsern, Trailer OmdU
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Perfect Days

Perfect Days

A film by Wim Wenders. In Japanses with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Wim Wenders’ first films were cha­rac­te­ri­sed by the the­me of move­ment, and so it is no coin­ci­dence that the German filmmaker’s latest fic­tion fea­ture is remi­nis­cent of that lumi­nous peri­od in his fil­mo­gra­phy. The life of the mys­te­rious man who cle­ans public toi­lets in Tokyo (play­ed by Yakusho Koji) is defi­ned by quo­ti­di­an move­ment and obser­va­ti­on. The pro­di­gious secret of PERFECT DAYS lies in how it heigh­tens our per­cep­ti­on of all the tran­si­tio­nal acts that deter­mi­ne his working rou­ti­ne; dis­trac­tion is for­bidden here. Everything indi­ca­tes that clea­ning toi­lets and uri­nals is an unde­si­ra­ble task, but in Japan this task appears like an appro­pria­te pro­ce­du­re for a veri­ta­ble sci­ence of cle­an­li­ne­ss. And while it seems theo­re­ti­cal­ly implau­si­ble that a man with such a job reads Faulkner at night, is a music lover and pays atten­ti­on to the trees in order to pho­to­graph them with the sharp­ness of a pro­fes­sio­nal, such qua­li­ties and pas­si­ons can be seen as legi­ti­ma­te based on the other cha­rac­ters that appear in the film who duly reve­al some­thing of his past. Beauty and won­der are in equi­li­bri­um in all the sequen­ces, and sub­li­me­ly so when the dreams of this man who cle­ans bath­rooms are depic­ted. (Roger Koza)


JP 2023, 124 Min., japan. OmU
Regie: Wim Wenders
Kamera: Franz Lustig
Schnitt: Toni Froschhammer
mit: Koji Yakusho, Tokio Emoto, Arisa Nakano, Aoi Yamada, Yumi Aso, Sayuri Ishikawa, Tomokazu Miura as Tomoyama

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