Category Archives: archiv

A E I O U – Das schnelle Alphabet der Liebe

a film by Nicolette Krebitz. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Anna is 60 and her acting heyday is now behind her. She lives on her own but has a fri­end and con­fi­dant in her down­s­tairs neigh­bour Michel, who is also sin­gle. Reluctantly, Anna accepts a job as a lan­guage coach for 17-year-old Adrian who has a speech impe­di­ment and is some­thing of a mis­fit. She reco­g­ni­s­es him as the boy who recent­ly snat­ched her hand­bag in the street …
“Irresistible” is the term that springs to mind when describ­ing this light-foo­ted and humo­rous sto­ry of an impos­si­ble love affair bet­ween a thief and a lady. Director Nicolette Krebitz hand­les the fra­gi­le balan­ce bet­ween the dic­ta­tes of socie­ty and the heart with gre­at care. The fresh breath of free­dom blows through a nar­ra­ti­ve that makes room for a nod to old West Berlin, some gent­le teasing of Germany’s French neigh­bours, and even a ghost that is cha­sed away to make way for new pos­si­bi­li­ties. But most of all, A E I O U is a pas­sio­na­te love let­ter to Sophie Rois and, per­haps through her, all the bril­li­ant actors negle­c­ted by an indus­try all too fond of young blood. Well, it turns out that the­se young play­ers, embo­di­ed here by new­co­mer Milan Herms, not only look up to their more expe­ri­en­ced peers, they tru­ly love them.


DE/FR 2022, 104 Min., dt.OmeU
Regie: Nicolette Krebitz
Kamera: Reinhold Vorschneider
Schnitt: Bettina Böhler
mit: Sophie Rois, Udo Kier, Milan Herms, Nicolas Bridet

AEIOU — A Quick Alphabet of Love new clip offi­ci­al from Berlin Film Festival 2022 – 23
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Sun Children

a film by Majid Majidi. In Farsi with German subtitles. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

SUN CHILDREN is the sto­ry of 12-year-old ALI and his three fri­ends. Together they work hard to sur­vi­ve and sup­port their fami­lies, doing small jobs in a gara­ge and com­mit­ting pet­ty cri­mes to make fast money. In a turn of events that seems mira­cu­lous, Ali is ent­rus­ted to find a hid­den tre­asu­re under­ground. He recruits his gang, but first, to gain access to the tun­nel, the child­ren must enroll at the Sun School, a cha­ri­ta­ble insti­tu­ti­on that tri­es to edu­ca­te street kids and child labo­rers, clo­se to whe­re the tre­asu­re is located.


Iran 2020, 99 Min., far­si OmU
Regie: Majid Majidi
Drehbuch: Majid Majidi, Nima Javidi
Darsteller: Rouhollah Zamani, Ali Nasirian, Javad Ezzati, Tannaz Tabatabaie
Kamera: Hooman Behmanesh

Sun Children – Official US Trailer
Im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln
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Achtung Berlin 2022

Sorry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

Das Filmfestival Achtung Berlin!, bei dem wir mitt­ler­wei­le zum vier­ten Mal Spielort sind, prä­sen­tiert zwar Produktionen aus Berlin, ist aber nicht an den Ort gebun­den.
Wir begin­nen unse­re Auswahl z.B. auf Usedom, und sehen in ZWISCHENSAISON [Tickets] mit Regisseurin Tina Tripp vier Auszubildenden im Gastgewerbe, zwei Köchen, zwei Servicekräften, bis zur Prüfung über die Schultern. DE 2022, 105 Min., So. 24.4. 18:30
Dann kom­men wir nach Berlin, wo in Florian Hoffmanns Debut-Spielfilm STILLE POST [Tickets] ein Paar ver­zwei­felt ver­sucht, media­le Aufmerksamkeit für die Situation der Kurden in der Türkei und den Krieg gegen sie zu erlan­gen. DE 2021, 94 Min., So. 24.4. 21:00
Ein paar Schritte zurück, und wir sind in einem Bulgarischen Bergdorf. Hier por­trä­tiert Eliza Petkova in MAYOR, SHEPHERD, WIDOW, DRAGON [Tickets] eini­ge der noch ver­blie­be­nen Bewohner, außer­dem gibt es hier auch noch einen Drachen. DE BG 2020, 97 Min., Mo. 25.4. 18:30
Weiter west­lich in Wien bekommt die jun­ge und talen­tier­te fast-Architektin Eva einen begehr­ten Job bei einem Star-Architekten. In RISSE IM FUNDAMENT (Foto oben) [Tickets] erzäh­len Genia Leis und Gerald Sommerauer von ganz all­täg­li­chen Machtspielen und Zuschreibungen, zu denen Eva Position bezie­hen muss. DE 2022, 84 Min., Mo. 25.4. 21:00
In VOR ZEIT [Tickets] macht sich ein alter-Ego von Regisseurin Juliane Henrich in Polen auf die Suche nach Spuren der Vergangenheit und fin­det Hinweise auf Migrations- und Fluchtbewegungen, die auf die Gegenwart zie­len. DE 2021, 80 Min., Di. 26.4. 18:30
Rebeca Ofeks Spielfilm JESSY [Tickets] beruht auf einer eige­nen Erfahrung. Die 13-jäh­ri­ge Jessica lebt allein mit ihrer Mutter in Berlin, als ihr Vater nach 7 Jahren aus dem Knast zurück nach Hause kommt und nichts mehr ist, wie es war. DE 2021 79 Min., Di. 26.4. 21:00
Am Modell sei­ner ehe­ma­li­gen Schule in Brandenburg und der eige­nen Biografie zeigt Christian Bäucker in HEIMATKUNDE [Tickets] ein dif­fe­ren­zier­tes Bild des DDR-Schulsystems und spürt dem Einfluss ost­deut­scher Schulerziehung auf Schülerinnen und Schüler nach.
DE 2021, 89 Min., Mi. 27.4. 18:30
Das Anwerbeabkommen mit der Türkei 1961 brach­te mit den Menschen auch ihre Kultur nach Deutschland. Die Musik war die Verbindung zur „alten“ Heimat, die sich hier im Exil zu neu­en Formen und Verbindungen fand. Cem Kayas Dokumentarfilmessay LIEBE, D‑MARK UND TOD [Tickets], den wir zum Abschluss zei­gen, ist eine Nachhilfestunde in tür­kisch-deut­scher Zeitgeschichte. DE 2022, 96 Min., Mi. 27.4. 21:00
(Bitte beach­ten Sie die Epilepsiewarnung für die­sen Film!)

Sechs Tage unter Strom – Unterwegs in Barcelona

a film by Neus Ballús. In Spanish and Katalan with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

To get through his one-week pro­ba­tio­na­ry con­tract, a young Moroccan plum­ber must deal with equal­ly eccen­tric col­le­agues and cus­to­mers. Valero, his supe­ri­or, doubts Moha has what it takes, or that cus­to­mers will accept a Moroccan worker. Maybe six days is not enough time for someone to over­co­me their pre­ju­di­ces. But it might be enough to dis­co­ver that we must live together.

My father is a plum­ber. I have heard all kinds of weird sto­ries about his job. Over the years, I have been struck by the pre­ju­di­ces and com­ple­xi­ties the­se dai­ly-life situa­tions revealed.


Sis dies cor­rents
ES, FR 2021, 85 Min., span, kata­lan., ber­ber OmU
Regie: Neus Ballús
Kamera: Anna Molins
Schnitt: Neus Ballús, Ariadna Ribas
mit: Mohamed Mellali, Valero Escolar, Pep
Sarrà, Paqui Becerra, Pere Codorniu

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a film by Lutz Pehnert. In German with English subtitles

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

A bio­gra­phy set in East and West Berlin about the life of a defi­ant woman who unites the poli­ti­cal and the pri­va­te in the poet­ry of her song lyrics. Bettina Wegner is often redu­ced to just one of her many songs, “Sind so klei­ne Hände” (“Children”) and her col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Joan Baez. But here in Lutz Pehnert’s por­trait she is given the space she deser­ves. Taken to court at the age of 21 for pro­test­ing against the vio­lent end of the Prague Spring, she soon beca­me part of the lively music and lite­ra­tu­re sce­ne around Thomas Brasch and her hus­band Klaus Schlesinger, all the while pur­suing her cri­ti­cal stance as an indi­vi­du­al and as an artist. In her hus­ky voice, she descri­bes – even humo­rous­ly – her inner turm­oil and her deter­mi­na­ti­on not to give up her home in the GDR, even when she was no lon­ger wan­ted the­re. Written in 1980, her song “Über Gebote” (“About Rules”) ser­ves Pehnert as a nar­ra­ti­ve thread while he uses archi­ve mate­ri­al from East and West Germany, audio recor­dings from her tri­al as well as Wegner’s own words and music to gui­de us through her life. In this way, the film gives a new audi­ence the chan­ce to dis­co­ver sin­ger-song­wri­ter Bettina Wegner – who real­ly only ever wan­ted to sing love songs.


DE 2022, 107 Min., deut­sche Fassung mit eng­li­schen Untertiteln
Regie, Buch: Lutz Pehnert
Kamera: Anne Misselwitz
Montage: Thomas Kleinwächter

Bettina Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
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We all are Detroit

a film by Ulrike Franke und Michael Loeken. In English and German with German and English subtitles. 

[Credits] [Ticketss & Termine [Trailer]

A look at two cities loca­ted far apart – Bochum and Detroit – whe­re the depar­tu­re of the auto­mo­bi­le indus­try has left behind enorm­ous chal­lenges. The indus­try dis­ap­pears, and what remains are the peo­p­le. Ultimately, it is a jour­ney into the hearts of each city’s inha­bi­tants, who are in search of a new iden­ti­ty fol­lo­wing the end of the indus­tri­al age. Despite all their dif­fe­ren­ces, what unites them is the desi­re for a digni­fied and hap­py life.


DE 2021, 118 Min., deutsch, eng­li­sche OmU
Regie: Ulrike Franke, Michael Loeken
Kamera: Uwe Schäfer, Philip Hallay, Fabrizio Costantini, Michael Loeken, Michael Chauvistré, Jörg Adams
Schnitt: Guido Krajewski, Bert Schmidt

WE ARE ALL DETROIT – Vom Bleiben und Verschwinden [TRAILER german]
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a film by Apichatpong Weerasethakul. In English and Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Apichatpong Weerasethakul cros­ses the glo­be and chan­ges lan­guages in his latest fea­ture – but Colombia turns out to be some­thing like a spi­ri­tu­al dou­ble for his home turf of Thailand, as we’re in very fami­li­ar Apichatpong ter­ri­to­ry here.
Speaking Spanish most of the time, Tilda Swinton is an ide­al fit for the director’s ima­gi­na­ti­ve uni­ver­se and is per­fect­ly attu­n­ed to his cha­rac­te­ristic pacing and tone. She plays Jessica, an orchid spe­cia­list working in Medellín who finds hers­elf haun­ted and baf­f­led by stran­ge ban­ging sounds – are they in the world out­side, or insi­de her head? Attempting to sol­ve the ridd­le, she con­sults a sound spe­cia­list, who pro­ves oddly elu­si­ve, then later heads off into the coun­try­si­de, whe­re she meets a man who – like the hero of Borges’s sto­ry Funes the Memorious – claims never to for­get any­thing.
With a sur­pri­sing modern jazz inter­lude and an altog­e­ther breath­ta­king pay­off, MEMORIA is a poe­tic inquiry into sound, time, and memo­ry, and ano­ther of Apichatpong’s essays on our inter­ac­tion with the stran­gen­ess of the natu­ral world; it’s also, inci­den­tal­ly, a remin­der that Colombia is tra­di­tio­nal­ly the home of Latin American magi­cal rea­lism. Jeanne Balibar and ZAMA’s Daniel Gimenez Cacho co-star. (Jonathan Romney)


CO, TH, GB, MX, FR, CN, TW 2021, 136 Min., spa­nisch, eng­li­sche OmU
Regie : Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Kamera: Sayombhu Mukdeeprom
Schnitt: Lee Chatametikool
: Tilda Swinton, Elkin Díaz, Jeanne Balibar, Juan Pablo Urrego, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Agnes Brekke

MEMORIA (Deutscher Trailer) | Ab dem 5. Mai im Kino & ab 5. August auf MUBI

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Alles, was man braucht

A film by Antje Hubert. In German

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

What and how much do we need for a good life? Not much, says Knut Thomsen from Dithmarschen Something to eat, some­thing to drink, and the free­dom to take time for wha­te­ver you’­re doing at that moment. His wife Berit and him have ope­ned a vil­la­ge store tog­e­ther – a 40-squa­re-meter, fun-loving uni­ver­se of regio­nal vege­ta­bles, careful­ly arran­ged shel­ves, chit­chat and cohe­si­on. And an island in a sea of dis­coun­ters that have long sin­ce dis­pla­ced the small stores in the coun­try­si­de. For two years, Antje Hubert and her team tra­vel through nor­t­hern German vil­la­ges and tell sto­ries of peo­p­le who dare to try some­thing new in a vacu­um of tra­di­ti­ons that have almost been lost.


DE 2021, 98 Min.
Regie : Antje Hubert
Kamera: Henning Brümmer
Montage: Magdolna Rokob

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In den besten Händen

a film by Catherine Corsini. In French with German subtitles. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Raf (Valéria Bruni Tedeschi) and Julie (Marina Foïs), a cou­ple on the ver­ge of brea­king up, find them­sel­ves in an Emergency Department clo­se to asphyxia­ti­on on the evening of a major ‚yel­low ves­ts‘ pro­test in Paris. Their encoun­ter with Yann (Pio Marmaï), an inju­red and angry demons­tra­tor, will shat­ter their cer­tain­ties and pre­ju­di­ces. Outside, the ten­si­on escala­tes and soon, the hos­pi­tal has to clo­se its doors and the staff is over­whel­med. The night will be long…


La frac­tu­re
FR 2021, 98 Min., frz. OmU
Regie : Catherine Corsini
Kamera: Jeanne Lapoirie
Schnitt: Frédéric Baillehaiche
mit : Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, Marina Foïs, Pio Marmaï, Aissatou Diallo

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a film by Serpil Turhan. In German and Kurdish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

KÖY (Turkish for vil­la­ge) is about the lon­ging for home, for belon­ging and the free­dom of the self. Three women from three gene­ra­ti­ons are united by their Kurdish roots. All of them ori­gi­na­te from vil­la­ges in eas­tern Turkey and live in Berlin. Against the back­ground of the poli­ti­cal chan­ges in Turkey, Serpil Turhan held inten­se dis­cus­sions over a peri­od of three years. KÖY cap­tures each woman’s emo­tio­nal world and shows frag­ments of the ordi­na­ry. Hêvîn, Saniye and Neno do not meet, but their sto­ries are lin­ked when it comes to self-deter­mi­na­ti­on and belonging.


DE 2021, 90 Min.,
Regie: Serpil Turhan,
Kamera: Ute Freund
Schnitt: Simon Quack & Eva Hartmann 

Köy Trailer Deutsch | German [HD]
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