We all are Detroit

a film by Ulrike Franke und Michael Loeken. In English and German with German and English subtitles. 

[Credits] [Ticketss & Termine [Trailer]

A look at two cities loca­ted far apart – Bochum and Detroit – whe­re the depar­tu­re of the auto­mo­bi­le indus­try has left behind enorm­ous chal­lenges. The indus­try dis­ap­pears, and what remains are the peo­p­le. Ultimately, it is a jour­ney into the hearts of each city’s inha­bi­tants, who are in search of a new iden­ti­ty fol­lo­wing the end of the indus­tri­al age. Despite all their dif­fe­ren­ces, what unites them is the desi­re for a digni­fied and hap­py life.


DE 2021, 118 Min., deutsch, eng­li­sche OmU
Regie: Ulrike Franke, Michael Loeken
Kamera: Uwe Schäfer, Philip Hallay, Fabrizio Costantini, Michael Loeken, Michael Chauvistré, Jörg Adams
Schnitt: Guido Krajewski, Bert Schmidt

WE ARE ALL DETROIT – Vom Bleiben und Verschwinden [TRAILER german]
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