
a film by Victor Kossakovsky. Without dialogue.

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Gunda is the prot­ago­nist of this gent­le black-and-white docu­men­ta­ry tri­ptych. She takes care of her litt­le ones, accom­pa­nies them on a jour­ney of dis­co­very and then takes a break to rech­ar­ge her bat­te­ries. She ten­ta­tively approa­ches the came­ra. Does she know what her fate is? What might she be thin­king? What does she think of us? Gunda is one of seve­ral hundred mil­li­on pigs that inha­bit the pla­net, along­side a bil­li­on catt­le, repre­sen­ted in the film by two graceful­ly moo­ing cows, and over 20 bil­li­on chi­ckens, exem­pli­fied here by a one-leg­ged chi­cken stumb­ling its way through the world. Whether roo­ting through the mud, swat­ting away flies or sear­ching for worms, they all are heroes. And film essay­ist Victor Kossakovsky is and remains ada­mant: after this film meat con­sump­ti­on is impos­si­ble. His indi­gna­ti­on about the igno­rance of humans in gene­ral and the degra­da­ti­on of the­se crea­tures in par­ti­cu­lar flows into his con­cep­tual­ly mini­ma­list, but visual­ly bril­li­ant medi­ta­ti­on. Gunda is an inti­ma­te por­trait. An inter­ven­ti­on in the form of a mode­st ges­tu­re. A film that ascri­bes maje­s­tic great­ness to the under­dogs. And makes us think. In the very least.


NO/US 2020, 93 Min.
Regie: Victor Kossakovsky
Buch: Victor Kossakovsky, Ainara Vera
Kamera: Egil Håskjold Larsen, Victor Kossakovsky
Schnitt: Victor Kossakovsky, Ainara Vera

GUNDA | Offizieller Trailer
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