Glücklich wie Lazzaro

A film by Alice Rohrwacher.  In Italian with German and English subtitles

This is the tale of a mee­ting bet­ween Lazzaro, a young peasant so good that he is often mista­ken for simp­le-min­ded, and Tancredi, a young noble­man cur­sed by his ima­gi­na­ti­on. Life in their iso­la­ted pas­to­ral vil­la­ge Inviolata is domi­na­ted by the ter­ri­ble Marchesa Alfonsina de Luna, the queen of ciga­ret­tes. A loy­al bond is sea­led when Tancredi asks Lazzaro to help him orchest­ra­te his own kid­nap­ping. This stran­ge and impro­ba­ble alli­ance is a reve­la­ti­on for Lazzaro. A fri­end­ship so pre­cious that it will tra­vel in time and trans­port Lazzaro in search of Tancredi. His first time in the big city, Lazzaro is like a frag­ment of the past lost in the modern world.


Lazzaro felice
It./Schweiz/F/D 2018, 128 Min., ital. OmU

Regie: Alice Rohrwacher
Kamera: Hélène Louvart
Schnitt: Nelly Quittier
Mit: Adriano Tardiolo, Agnese Graziani, Alba Rohrwacher, Luca Chikovani, Tommaso Ragno, Sergi Lopez und Nicoletta Braschi

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Glücklich wie Lazzaro (Offizieller Trailer OmU) – Lazzaro felice