
A film by Nanouk Leopold. In Dutch and English with German subtitles

Listen, kid. She isn’t worth it. She won’t stay on the straight and nar­row. They’ll find her dead by the road one day. After she gets hers­elf ano­ther one like you.’ · ‘It’s my mother you’re tal­king about.’ 

Cobain wan­ders alo­ne through the streets in search of his mother. On the way he meets old acquain­tances, staff from the child pro­tec­tion ser­vice and the metha­done dis­tri­bu­ti­on cent­re. He is torn bet­ween the pro­s­pect of a new life in a fos­ter fami­ly, a home and a sen­se of secu­ri­ty, and his fears for his mother – who ever­yo­ne else has aban­do­ned. In his acting debut, Bas Keizer mas­terful­ly expres­ses the ten­der­ness and anger, anxie­ty and lon­ging felt by Cobain. Quietly radi­cal, with desa­tu­ra­ted colours unders­cored by spar­se gui­tar riffs, Nanouk Leopold’s film cap­ti­va­tes the view­er in a tale of a modern hero who is forced to grow up much too young.



Niederlande / Belgien / Deutschland 2017 94 Min., niederl./engl. OmU 
Regie: Nanouk Leopold 
Kamera: Frank van den Eeden 
Schnitt: Katharina Wartena 
mit: Bas Keizer Naomi Velissariou Wim Opbrouck Dana Marineci Cosmina Stratan



  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


Cobain [Offizieller Trailer OV Englische Untertitel]

Im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln.