
A film by Jan Speckenbach.  In German.

A mother goes away, lea­ving her hus­band and their two child­ren in lim­bo. She is dri­ven by a force she can­not igno­re: free­dom. In Vienna, Nora wan­ders through a muse­um, suc­cumbs to a flir­ta­ti­on and then thumbs a lift to Bratislava. Nora con­ce­als her ori­gin behind small lies, chan­ges her appearance, finds work as a cham­ber­maid and makes fri­ends with the young Slovak woman Etela, a strip­per, and her hus­band Tamás, a cook. Meanwhile in Berlin, Philip tri­es to keep his fami­ly and job as well as his affair with Monika going. Against his own con­vic­tions, he, a lawy­er, defends a xeno­pho­bic youngs­ter, strug­gles with the role of sin­gle parent. Philip finds an – albeit uncon­scious – ear for his worries in the figu­re of a coma pati­ent… The free­dom Nora is lon­ging for beco­mes Philip’s chains.

Deutschland, Slowakei 2017, 100 Min.
Buch, Regie, Schnitt: Jan Speckenbach
Kamera: Tilo Hauke
Mit: Johanna Wokalek, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Inga Birkenfeld, Andrea Szabová, Ondrej Koval

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