A film by Lisandro Alonso. In Chatino, English, Lakota, Portuguese with German subtitles.
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Alaina is tired of the dreary tasks that come with her job as a police officer on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, and decides to stop answering her radio. Her niece spends a long night waiting for her to no avail, then decides that she, too, wants to disappear. A magic potion made by her grandfather will allow her to travel through space and time. EUREKA begins as a western in black and white, with Viggo Mortensen in the role of a cowboy, and turns into a cinematic flight to the indigenous peoples of the Americas, from the United States to Mexico to the Amazon jungle.

AR/DE/FR/MX/PT 2023, 146 Min., chatino, englisch, lakota, portugiesisch OmU
Regie: Lisandro Alonso
Kamera: Timo Salminen, Mauro Herce
Schnitt: Gonzalo Del Val
Mit: Alaina Clifford, Sadie Lapointe, Viggo Mortensen, Chiara Mastroianni, Adanilo Costa, Rafi Pitts,
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