Der schlimmste Mensch der Welt

a film by Joachim Trier. In Norwegian with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Julie is almost 30 and has no idea what kind of life she wants to lead. Overwhelmed by all the pos­si­bi­li­ties, she keeps chan­ging her mind. She drops out of medi­cal school to try her hand at psy­cho­lo­gy – or may­be pho­to­gra­phy. Her con­fi­dent 44-year-old boy­fri­end, Aksel, a long-estab­lished comic book aut­hor, has always wan­ted them to have a child tog­e­ther, but Julie just isn’t rea­dy. When she meets the young and ener­ge­tic Eivind at a par­ty one day, her life faces ano­ther tur­ning point. Director Joachim Trier pres­ents a zeit­geist come­dy about the Millennial gene­ra­ti­on and the dif­fi­cul­ty of making small and big decis­i­ons. A bit­ters­weet film that con­ju­res up both exhi­la­ra­ting and melan­cho­lic moments of truth on the big screen.


NO 2021, 128 Min., norw. OmU
Regie: Joachim Trier
Kamera: Kasper Tuxen

Schnitt: Olivier Bugge Coutté
Mit: Renate Reinsve, Anders Danielsen Lie, Herbert Nordrum

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