Das Lehrerzimmer

A film by İlker Çatak. In German, Turkish, Polish and English with German subtitles. 

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What hap­pens in the staff room stays in the staff room,” says Carla Nowak in an inter­view with the school news­pa­per. Even if that is purely wishful thin­king for the tea­cher at this point. This is her first job, and she is com­mit­ted to tea­ching mathe­ma­tics and phy­si­cal edu­ca­ti­on to her class of seventh gra­d­ers. Things are going well and she is able to moti­va­te the­se ado­le­s­cents. Then a series of thefts occur at school and one of her stu­dents is quick­ly suspec­ted. An outra­ged Carla deci­des to get to the bot­tom of the mat­ter hers­elf, but the case is not so easy to sol­ve and has reper­cus­sions. Quickly decried as idea­li­stic by the rest of the staff, Carla finds hers­elf having to ans­wer to angry par­ents and media­te bet­ween quar­rel­ling stu­dents. The more she tri­es to do ever­y­thing right, the more she – and others – are pushed to their limits, and the enti­re school sys­tem is thrown off balan­ce.
İlker Çatak mis­ses not­hing in his bril­li­ant­ly obser­ved film. In his unspa­ring dra­ma, the school is a micro­c­osm in which the out­side world no lon­ger exists and not­hing remains pri­va­te. Das Lehrerzimmer is a stu­dy in power rela­ti­ons that demons­tra­tes how indi­vi­du­als are worn down bet­ween ent­ren­ched positions.


DE 2023, 94 min, Deutsch,  Türkisch,  Polnisch,  Englisch OmU
Regie: İlker Çatak
Schnitt: Gesa Jäger
Kamera: Judith Kaufmann
mit: Leonie Benesch, Leonard Stettnisch, Eva Löbau, Michael Klammer, Anne-Kathrin Gummich

DAS LEHRERZIMMER | Trailer deutsch | Jetzt im Kino!
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