Bis ans Ende der Nacht

A film by Christoph Hochhäusler. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Robert wears a lea­ther jacket and his hair rather long. He is by no means your avera­ge cop – at least not the kind to be found in most German movies. As an under­co­ver inves­ti­ga­tor, he is tas­ked with gai­ning the trust of a cri­mi­nal, Victor, by faking a rela­ti­onship with Leni who has been released on paro­le to play along. They mana­ge to make cont­act with Victor at a dance class: Robert and Leni – he gay, she trans – make a gre­at cou­ple and soon have the cri­mi­nal on the hook. Or is it he who has ent­rap­ped them? And ulti­m­ate­ly, are the­re not more fee­lings at play in this sup­po­sedly fake love affair? We would not be in a film by Christoph Hochhäusler if the­re were any simp­le ans­wers or truths. His cle­ver plot is pure oscil­la­ti­on, and the result is an inge­nious por­trait of the emo­tio­nal intellect that is as wit­ty as it is tou­ch­ing. The film is a (not enti­re­ly drug-free) trip along the director’s trade­mark Möbius strip of gen­re and auteur cine­ma. Added into the mix is one of the most beau­tiful­ly nost­al­gic sound­tracks of the year, a worse-for-wear roman­tic atmo­sphe­re with a Fassbinder-like charm and, final­ly, an ensem­ble cast that brea­thes life into all of pup­pet mas­ter Hochhäusler’s decep­ti­ve mano­eu­vres, death wish included.


DE 2023, 123 min, Deutsch OmeU
Regie: Christoph Hochhäusler
Schnitt: Stefan Stabenow
Kamera: Reinhold Vorschneider
mit: Timocin Ziegler, Thea Ehre, Michael Sideris, Ioana Iacob, Rosa Enskat

Bis ans Ende der Nacht (offi­zi­el­ler Trailer) – Ein Film von Christoph Hochhäusler mit Thea Ehre
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