
a film by Johannes Naber. Starts September 9th at the fsk. 

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Although he alre­a­dy has sear­ched Iraq unsuc­cessful­ly for wea­pons of mass des­truc­tion as a mem­ber of a UN mis­si­on, German bio-wea­pons expert Arndt Wolf is still obses­sed with the idea that Saddam Hussein is hiding some­thing. Nobody around him is inte­res­ted in this topic any more. This chan­ges abrupt­ly when an Iraqi asyl­um see­ker claims to have been invol­ved in the manu­fac­tu­re of bio­lo­gi­cal wea­pons. The German Federal Intelligence Service sum­mons Dr. Wolf to ascer­tain the legi­ti­ma­cy of the claims made by the infor­mant, who has been given the code name “Curveball”. Meanwhile, the 911 attacks have shaken the world and put Americans on edge… Johannes Naber shrewd­ly obser­ves the bur­geo­ning fri­end­ship bet­ween two unli­kely men who find them­sel­ves engul­fed by the absurd dra­ma they have set in moti­on. Moreover, as we are war­ned from the out­set, this is – unfort­u­na­te­ly – a true sto­ry. Naber’s outra­ge is con­ta­gious. Even tho­se pre­vious­ly awa­re of the facts can­not be any­thing but dumb­s­truck as the sur­re­al sequence of events unfold that were to lead to the 2003 Iraq invasion.


DE 2019, 108 Min.
Regie: Johannes Naber
Kamera: Sten Mende
Schnitt: Anne Jünemann
Darsteller: Sebastian Blomberg, Dar Salim, Virginia Kull, Michael Wittenborn, Thorsten Merten

CURVEBALL | Offizieller Trailer | Ab 9. September im Kino
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