Author Archives: fsk

Träum was Schönes

A film by Marco Bellocchio. Starts 17.8. at the fsk. In ita­li­an with ger­man subtitles.

Massimo’s idyl­lic child­hood is shat­te­red by the death of his mother. Years later, he is forced to reli­ve his trau­ma­tic past and com­pas­sio­na­te doc­tor Elisa could help him open up and con­front his child­hood wounds.

OT: Fai bei sogni
Italien 2016, 134 Min., ita. OmU
Regie: Marco Bellocchio
Kamera: Daniele Ciprì
Schnitt: Francesca Calvelli
Darsteller: Valerio Mastandrea, Bérénice Bejo, Nicolò Cabras

Das Gesetz der Familie

A film by Adam Smith.  In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

Trespass Against Us is set across three gene­ra­ti­ons of the Cutler fami­ly who live as out­laws in their own anar­chic cor­ner of Britain’s richest coun­try­si­de. Chad Cutler (Michael Fassbender) is heir appa­rent to his brui­sing cri­mi­nal father, Colby (Brendan Gleeson) and has been groo­med to spend his life hun­ting, thie­ving and tor­men­ting the poli­ce. But with his own son, Tyson (Georgie Smith) coming of age, Chad soon finds hims­elf locked in a batt­le with his father for the future of his young fami­ly. When Colby lear­ns of Chad’s dreams for ano­ther life he sets out to tie his son and grand­son into the archaic order that has bound the Cutler fami­ly for gene­ra­ti­ons. He engi­neers a spec­ta­cu­lar pie­ce of cri­mi­nal busi­ness invol­ving a heist, a high-speed car cha­se and a manhunt, which lea­ves Chad brui­sed and bloo­di­ed and with his very free­dom at stake.


OT: Trespass against us
UK 2016, 99 Min., engl. OmU
Regie: Adam Smith
Musik: Tom Rowlands (The Chemical Brothers)
Darsteller. Michael Fassbender, Brendan Gleeson, Georgie Smith, Lyndsey Marshal, Rory Kinnear

Helle Nächte

A film by Thomas Arslan. In German.

Austrian civil engi­neer Michael lives with his girl­fri­end in Berlin. For years, he has bare­ly had any cont­act with his 14-year-old son Luis. When Michael’s father dies the two none­thel­ess tra­vel tog­e­ther to the fun­e­ral which is held in the remo­te north of Norway. At the deceased’s secluded home Michael beg­ins to pack up his late father’s per­so­nal items – wat­ched in silence by his son. Two peo­p­le who bare­ly know each other are sud­den­ly caught in an inti­ma­te situa­ti­on. After the fun­e­ral, Michael sur­pri­ses Luis by sug­gest­ing that they spend a few days tog­e­ther explo­ring the regi­on. A road movie beg­ins that is also a jour­ney into their non-exis­tent shared past. Being tog­e­ther turns out to be more dif­fi­cult than expec­ted. Never having spent any time with each other on a dai­ly basis, they have trou­ble hand­ling their rela­ti­onship. Whilst Michael glos­ses over this situa­ti­on, Luis can’t hide how hurt he is. His father’s long years of absence stand bet­ween them like a wall. When they are in the car tog­e­ther it feels like the calm befo­re a storm. During the long days of the sum­mer sol­sti­ce, days when the sun never sets, Michael tri­es to break the repe­ti­ti­ve cycle and find a joint way forward.


Deutschland / Norwegen 2017, 86 Min.

Regie, Buch: Thomas Arslan
Kamera: Reinhold Vorschneider
Schnitt: Reinaldo Pinto Almeida

Georg Friedrich (Michael)
Tristan Göbel (Luis)
Marie Leuenberger (Leyla)
Hanna Karlberg (Cecilia)

The Party

A film by Sally Potter. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

Janet has just been appoin­ted minis­ter in the shadow cabi­net – the crow­ning achie­ve­ment of her poli­ti­cal care­er. She and her hus­band Bill plan to cele­bra­te this with a few clo­se fri­ends. The guests arri­ve at their home in London but the par­ty takes an unex­pec­ted turn for the worse when Bill sud­den­ly makes two explo­si­ve reve­la­ti­ons that shock Janet and ever­yo­ne pre­sent to the core. Love, fri­end­ships, poli­ti­cal con­vic­tions and a who­le way of life are now cal­led into ques­ti­on. Underneath their cul­ti­va­ted libe­ral left-wing sur­face peo­p­le are seething. Their dis­pu­te leads to the big guns being brought out – even in a lite­ral sense.
For her eighth thea­tri­cal fea­ture British direc­tor and screen­wri­ter Sally Potter, who last took part in the Berlinale Competition with Rage in 2009, has invi­ted a stel­lar cast to join her par­ty. Beginning as a subt­ly wit­ty come­dy rep­le­te with sharp-ton­gued dia­lo­gue, the film later veers off into tra­ge­dy. When life can no lon­ger be con­trol­led by reason, peo­p­le will fight tooth and nail to pro­tect their see­mingly sta­ble existence.

Großbritannien 2017, 71 Min., engl. OmU
Regie, Buch: Sally Potter
Kamera: Alexey Rodionov
Schnitt: Anders Refn, Emilie Orsini

Patricia Clarkson (April)
Bruno Ganz (Gottfried)
Cherry Jones (Martha)
Emily Mortimer (Jinny)
Cillian Murphy (Tom)
Kristin Scott Thomas (Janet)
Timothy Spall (Bill)


A film by Andrei Konchalovsky.In rus­si­an, ger­man, french and yid­dish with ger­man subtitles

The film is built around the intert­wi­ning desti­nies of three main cha­rac­ters during the Second World War: Russian aris­to­crat-emi­grant and mem­ber of the French Resistance Olga (Yuliya Vysotskaya), a French col­la­bo­ra­tor Jules (Philippe Duquesne) and a high-ran­king SS offi­cer Helmut (Christian Clauss).

Olga is arres­ted for hiding Jewish child­ren from the Nazi roun­dups. Her case is over­seen by Jules. He is inte­res­ted in her and it seems that in exch­an­ge for sexu­al rela­ti­ons he is rea­dy to sof­ten the fate of pri­soner, but this does not to hap­pen. A chi­me­ric hope of free­dom is repla­ced by cruel rea­li­ty – Olga lands into a German con­cen­tra­ti­on camp. There she meets Helmut who in the past was hope­l­ess­ly in love with her. Strange and pain­ful rela­ti­ons com­mence bet­ween them. The Nazis are alre­a­dy clo­se to defeat, and Helmut deci­des to save Olga from the camp and run away with her to South America. Olga, having lost hope of free­dom agrees, but at the last moment rea­li­zes that her idea of para­di­se has changed.[8]

Russland/Deutschland 2016, 130 min., rus­sisch, deut­sche, fran­zö­si­sche, hebäi­sche OmU
Regie: Andrei Konchalovsky
Drehbuch: Andrei Konchalovsky, Elena Kiseleva.
Darsteller: Julia Vysotskaya, Philippe Duquesne, Christian Clauß, Peter Kurth, Jacob Diehl, George Lenz, Viktor Sukhorukov, Anna-Mariya Danilenko, Anastasiya Serova, Yaroslav Khimchenko, Jean Denis Römer, Caroline Piette

Dark Blood

A film by George Sluizer.  In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

Boy, a young widower with nati­ve American roots, lives in a desert in the USA con­ta­mi­na­ted by nuclear tests. In this deso­la­te place, sur­roun­ded by kat­chi­na dolls which the indi­ge­nous popu­la­ti­on belie­ves pos­sess magi­cal powers, he awaits the end of the world. His refu­ge is sud­den­ly inva­ded by Harry and Buffy, a cou­ple second honey­moo­ning in an attempt to save their mar­ria­ge. When their Bentley breaks down in the midd­le of nowhe­re, Boy offers to help. But then, hoping to cross over into a bet­ter world with Buffy, he starts trea­ting them like pri­soners. When Dark Blood’s lea­ding actor River Phoenix died sud­den­ly ten days befo­re the end of the shoot in 1993, the film’s insu­rance com­pa­ny beca­me the owner of the unfi­nis­hed mate­ri­al. Years later, direc­tor George Sluizer mana­ged to save his foo­ta­ge from being des­troy­ed. In January 2012 he deci­ded to finish the film by rea­ding aloud off-screen the miss­ing sce­nes from the screen­play. The resul­ting work is an exis­ten­tia­list lat­ter-day Western which deri­ves much of its evo­ca­ti­ve power from the pre­sence of its lea­ding man, who was hims­elf tee­te­ring on the brink of death.


Nl 2012, 86 Min., engl. OmU 
Regie: George Sluizer 
Kamera: Edward Lachman
Schnitt: Michiel Reichwein 
mit: River Phoenix Judy Davis Jonathan Pryce Karen Black

DARK BLOOD – (Trailer) | missingFILMs | Kinostart: 13.07.2017

Der Ornithologe

A film by  João Pedro Rodrigues. In por­tu­ge­se with ger­man subtitles.

Fernando, a soli­ta­ry orni­tho­lo­gist, is loo­king for black storks, a spe­ci­es under thre­at, along a remo­te river in nor­t­hern Portugal, when he is swept away by the rapids. Rescued by a cou­ple of Chinese pil­grims on the road to Santiago de Compostela, he plun­ges into an eerie and dark forest, try­ing to get back on his track. But gra­du­al­ly, as he encoun­ters unex­pec­ted and uncan­ny obs­ta­cles and peo­p­le who put him to the test, Fernando is impel­led to extre­me actions which trans­form him. Little by litt­le, he beco­mes a dif­fe­rent man, inspi­red, mul­ti-face­ted and final­ly, total­ly enlightened.

O Ornitólogo,
Port./F/Bras. 2016, 118 Min., port. OmU,
Buch und Regie: João Pedro Rodrigues,
Kamera: Rui Pocas,
Schnitt: Raphaël Lefèvre,
mit: Paul Hamy, Han Wen, Chan Suan, Xelo Cagiao u.a.

Der Ornithologe – Trailer 1 – pt – UT Deutsch

Meine glückliche Familie

A Film by Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Gross,

On the evening of her 52nd bir­th­day, Georgian lite­ra­tu­re tea­cher Manana unex­pec­ted­ly announ­ces to her fami­ly that she is lea­ving. She has been mar­ried for 30 years and lives in a three-bed­room flat in Tbilisi with her hus­band, par­ents, two child­ren and her son-in-law.

The mem­bers of her fami­ly repre­sent three gene­ra­ti­ons and are com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent from each other: Manana’s hus­band Soso (55); their daugh­ter Nino (24), who is mar­ried and ado­res her hus­band Vakho (27); Manana’s son Lasha (20); Manana’s mother Lamara (72), the pil­lar of the fami­ly who takes care of ever­y­bo­dy; and Manana’s father Otar (80), who after a long and exhaus­ting life, dreams of death which seems slow in coming. Initially, the fami­ly don’t take Manana’s decis­i­on serious­ly. But then she packs her suit­ca­se and lea­ves. The fami­ly is sho­cked and inc­re­du­lous: whe­re is she going? Who upset her? She is past ‚divorce age‘ after all, and has a good hus­band who doesn’t drink, take drugs or beat her.

Chemi Bednieri Ojakhi
Georgien/D/F 2016, 120 Min., georg. OmU 

Regie: Nana Ekvtimishvili, Simon Gross 
Drehbuch: Nana Ekvtimishvili 
Kamera: Tudor Panduru 
Schnitt: Stefan Stabenow 
Darsteller: Ia Shugliashvili, Merab Ninidze, Berta Khapava, Tsisia Kumsishvili, Giorgi Khurtsilava, Giorgi Tabidze

Trailer MEINE GLÜCKLICHE FAMILIE from Zorro Film on Vimeo.

Im Kino in der OmU Fassung !!

Dil Leyla

A film by Asli Özarslan.

At 26, a Kurdish-German woman is elec­ted the youn­gest mayor in Turkey. In a record 81% lands­li­de she is elec­ted mayor of Cizre, a Kurdish capi­tal city that lies in the war-torn regi­on at Turkey’s bor­der with Syria and Iraq. It is here that Leyla was born, but after her father was kil­led by the Turkish mili­ta­ry, she was sent at the age of 5 to live in Germany. After more than 20 years, she returns home. Her goal is to heal and beau­ti­fy the civil-war-torn city, which is enjoy­ing a break in the vio­lence. But on the eve of Turkey’s par­lia­men­ta­ry elec­tions, ever­y­thing chan­ges, and old memo­ries beco­me more real than ever.


D 2016, 71 Min.
Regie: Asli Özarslan
Kamera: Carina Neubohn
Schnitt: Ana Branea