Atomkraft Forever

a film by Carsten Rau. In German.

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Germany is tur­ning away from nuclear power once and for all in 2022. The risk is too high, the tech­no­lo­gy unma­na­geable. Yet the nuclear night­ma­re goes on: with ump­teen thou­sands of ton­nes of radio­ac­ti­ve was­te, the sto­rage of which isn’t the least bit clear; with the hazar­dous dis­mant­ling of power plants which will take deca­des and gob­ble up many bil­li­ons of euros; and with neigh­bours who firm­ly hold on to mankind’s dream of ato­mic ener­gy – 13 of the 27 nati­ons in the EU ope­ra­te nuclear power plants and the deve­lo­p­ment the­reof con­ti­nues.
The fea­ture-length docu­men­ta­ry film Atomkraft Forever by Carsten Rau takes a pro­found as well as alar­ming look at the nuclear night­ma­re. In grand sce­nes unpre­ce­den­ted­ly por­tray­ed, and in six inter­wo­ven epi­so­des: about the absurd amount of effort invol­ved in demo­li­shing a gigan­tic nuclear power plant; about the quest for a final repo­si­to­ry that is sup­po­sed to wea­ther a mil­li­on years and the next ten ice ages; into the heart of the French ato­mic indus­try that ridi­cu­les the German opt-out as “ludicrous” and wants even more power plants.
Atomkraft Forever doesn’t lea­ve any argu­ments out, even though they may be unpo­pu­lar. In the end, the view­er can and must form their own impres­si­on of the mania cal­led nuclear power. That has no end.


DE 2020, 94 Min.,
Buch und Regie: Carsten Rau
Schnitt: Stephan Haase
Kamera: Andrzej Krol

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