An einem schönen Morgen

A film by Mia Hansen-Løve. In French with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Mia Hansen-Løve’s simp­lest, most focu­sed film in some time – and sure­ly her most matu­re yet – returns to a recur­rent the­me of hers, the way that the dif­fe­rent strands of a life inter­sect and inter­fe­re with each other. Here prot­ago­nist Sandra is deal­ing with the rebirth of love, while con­tem­pla­ting the end of a life – her father’s. She is a trans­la­tor and mother to an eight-year-old daugh­ter, Linn; her father is Georg, a distin­gu­is­hed pro­fes­sor of phi­lo­so­phy who­se eye­sight and his mind are fai­ling him irrever­si­bly. While she tends to both daugh­ter and father, Sandra encoun­ters an old fri­end, Clément. His sci­en­ti­fic spe­cia­lism as a cos­mo­che­mist leads him to fathom the infi­ni­te, while Sandra’s dai­ly con­cerns seem to strand her on a strict­ly earth­ly pla­ne – but there’s always the pro­mi­se of love.
After the self-refle­xi­ve playful­ness of BERGMAN ISLAND, Hansen-Løve offers a rigo­rous but ten­der stu­dy of life’s com­ple­xi­ties seen through a lens of prag­ma­tic rea­lism. Léa Seydoux, excel­ling in the most unvar­nis­hed of her recent roles, shi­nes along­side Pascal Greggory, who­se sta­tus as a French cine­ma vete­ran enters a rich new pha­se in his por­tra­y­al of an intellec­tu­al facing his twi­light. (Jonathan Romney)


Un beau matin
FR/DE 2022, 112 Min., frz OmU
Regie: Mia Hansen-Løve
Kamera: Denis Lenoir
Schnitt: Marion Monnier
mit: Léa Seydoux, Pascal Greggory, Melvil Poupaud, Nicole Garcia, Kester Lovelace

UN BEAU MATIN – Trailer F/d
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