Zu jeder Zeit

A film by Nicolas Philibert. In French with German subtitles

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Every year, thou­sands of stu­dents in France begin trai­ning in nur­sing care. After being accept­ed to the Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers, their stu­dies con­sist of cour­ses in theo­ry, prac­ti­cal exer­ci­s­es and ser­vice in hos­pi­tals. It is a dif­fi­cult and inten­si­ve trai­ning cour­se during which they gain exten­si­ve know­ledge and skills, prac­ti­cal pro­ces­ses and prepa­re them­sel­ves to take on gre­at respon­si­bi­li­ty. The film accom­pa­nies the ups and downs of such an edu­ca­ti­on in which often very young peo­p­le are con­fron­ted with human fra­gi­li­ty, suf­fe­ring, dise­a­se and the weak­ne­s­ses of body and soul. It’s about us and our humanity.



De chaque instant
FR 2018, 105 Min.,

Regie, Kamera, Schnitt: Nicolas Philibert 


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 
