Wie wilde Tiere

A film by Rodrigo Sorogoyen. In French and Spanish with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

The French cou­ple Vincent and Olga sett­led in a small vil­la­ge in the inte­ri­or of Galicia and lead a tran­quil exis­tence as far­mers. Despite their fri­end­li­ne­ss, the local far­mers tre­at the two stran­gers with sus­pi­ci­on and dis­da­in. When Vincent and Olga refu­se to agree to the buil­ding of a wind farm, the mood chan­ges com­ple­te­ly and the situa­ti­on in the vil­la­ge escala­tes. In the beau­tiful set­ting of the Galician coun­try­si­de, Oscar-nomi­na­ted direc­tor Rodrigo Sorogoyen stages a high-ten­si­on thril­ler that is as ori­gi­nal as it is grip­ping – a real blast!


As Bestas
ES/FR 2022, 137 Min., frz, span. OmU
Regie: Rodrigo Sorogoyen
Kamera: Alejandro de Pablo
Schnitt: Alberto del Campo
mit: Denis Menochet, Marina Foïs, Luis Zahera

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