Was sehen wir, wenn wir zum Himmel schauen?

A film by Alexandre Koberidze.

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A chan­ce encoun­ter at the gates of a school in Kutaisi in Georgia. Lisa and Giorgi bump into each other and a book falls to the ground. Clearly dazed, they arran­ge a date wit­hout even having told each other their names. It is love at first sight and, as if enchan­ted, things begin to come to life: the sur­veil­lan­ce came­ra beco­mes an evil eye, the drain­pipe an ora­cle, they clo­se their eyes and – ding! The lovers are cur­sed, con­dem­ned to wake up the next day loo­king com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent. But it is pre­cis­e­ly this super­na­tu­ral obs­ta­cle to them mee­ting again which beco­mes their ticket to a world ruled enti­re­ly by the magic of the ever­y­day – in all its simp­le beau­ty, ten­der come­dy and an enthu­si­asm for foot­ball that infects young and old ali­ke, even the phleg­ma­tic street dog Vardy.
As in Let the Summer Never Come Again, it is the poet­ry of aim­less­ness that enables Alexandre Koberidze to make visi­ble and nar­rata­ble in cine­ma ever­y­thing that we rare­ly per­cei­ve in the rea­li­ty of our ever­y­day lives. Get your ligh­ters out becau­se, as Gianna Nannini is allo­wed to sing so fer­vent­ly in this gem of a film, the nights are inde­ed magical.


Ras vkhe­davt, rode­sac cas vuku­rebt?
DE/GE 2021, 150 Minuten, geor­gisch mit dt. Untertiteln,
Regie: Alexandre Koberidze
Kamera: Faraz Fesharaki
Schnitt: Alexandre Koberidze
mit: Ani Karseladze, Giorgi Bochorishvili, Oliko Barbakadze, Giorgi Ambroladze, Vakhtang Panchulidze, Sofio Tchanishvili, Irina Chelidze, David Koberidze, Sofio Sharashidze

Was sehen wir, wenn wir zum Himmel schau­en? (offi­zi­el­ler Trailer)
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