Walchensee Forever

a film by Janna Ji Wonders. Starts October 21st at the fsk. In German & English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Director Janna Ji Wonders tells the sto­ry of the women in her fami­ly over the last cen­tu­ry. The film’s uni­fy­ing ele­ment and silent chro­nic­ler is Lake Walchensee in Bavaria, whe­re the fami­ly ope­ned a café in 1920 which still exists today. Its impres­si­ve foun­der Apa bequeaths the busi­ness to her first-born Norma who con­ti­nues to run it, even in her advan­cing years. Norma’s daugh­ters Anna and Frauke lea­ve the lake to libe­ra­te them­sel­ves and tra­vel the world as musi­ci­ans – only to return to live in a com­mu­ne set up by Rainer Langhans. Frauke pines for the love of her life, dies mys­te­rious­ly and beco­mes a shadowy figu­re for tho­se left behind. Restless Anna moves to the USA, whe­re she unex­pec­ted­ly falls pregnant and gives birth to a girl. Summoned by the shadows of her past, she returns with daugh­ter Janna to Walchensee whe­re Grandma Norma beco­mes an important figu­re for her grand­d­augh­ter. Filmmaker Janna is sear­ching for ans­wers to ques­ti­ons like: What is the mea­ning of home? To what ext­ent am I shaped by my ori­g­ins? What real­ly counts in the end? She finds clues in the bond bet­ween four gene­ra­ti­ons of women and their very dif­fe­rent approa­ches to life.


DE 2020, 110 Min., dt, engl. OmU,
Regie: Janna Ji Wonders
Kamera: Janna Ji Wonders, Sven Zellner, Anna Werner
Schnitt: Anja Pohl

WALCHENSEE FOREVER – offi­zi­el­ler Trailer [HD]
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