

A film by Michal Blaško. In Ukrainian and Czech with German subtitles.

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Irina (43), a sin­gle mother from Ukraine, lives with her son Igor (13) in a small Czech bor­der town. One night she dis­co­vers that Igor has been assaul­ted by three atta­ckers and her who­le world comes cras­hing down. When Igor wakes up from anaes­the­sia he claims that the atta­ckers were Roma. Since then Irina fights for jus­ti­ce and demands the socie­ty to rise up and punish the cul­prits. As times goes on, she beg­ins to spot incon­sis­ten­ci­es in his ver­si­ons of the attack. Ultimately, when the socie­ty is emo­tiona­ly moved by the attack, Igor admits to Irina that he made up the who­le sto­ry. The ensuing march against vio­lence, dedi­ca­ted to Igor and Irina as vic­tims, dete­rio­ra­tes into a vio­lent neo-Nazi cam­paign. When in the last moment Irina tri­es to call it off, she con­fronts the resis­tance of the mecha­nism and she’s to con­ti­nue what her son began, lie, and take part in the march as a vic­tim. The con­se­quen­ces are too seve­re for both to bear wit­hout con­se­quence or with a clear conscience.


CZ/DE/SK 2022, 91 Min., Ukrainisch/Tschechisch OmU,
Regie: Michal Blaško
Kamera: Adam Mach
Schnitt: Peter Hasalík
mit: Vita Smachelyuk, Gleb Kuchuk, Igor Chmela

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