
A film by IAlejandro Loayza Grisi. In Spanish & Quechua with German subtitles.

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In the Bolivian high­lands, an elder­ly Quechua cou­ple has been living the same dai­ly life for years. When an uncom­mon­ly long drought threa­tens their enti­re way of life, Virginio and his wife Sisa face the dilem­ma of resis­ting or being defea­ted by the envi­ron­ment and time itself.


BO 2022, 87 Min., Quechua, Spanisch OmU
Regie: Alejandro Loayza Grisi
Kamera: Barbara Alvarez
Schnitt: Fernando Epstein
mit: José Calcina, Luisa Quispe, Santos Choque

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