Und morgen die ganze Welt

A film by Julia von Heinz. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Germany is struck by a vio­lent series of racist ter­ror attacks. 20-year-old Luisa joins a sub­di­vi­si­on of the Antifa to oppo­se the upri­sing neo-Nazi move­ment. With her reck­less actions, she not only fights against the extre­me right but also tri­es to impress Alfa, an Antifa acti­vist she is secret­ly in love with. Soon, things esca­la­te, and Luisa and her fri­ends clash over the ques­ti­on if vio­lence could ever be a legi­ti­ma­te poli­ti­cal ans­wer to fascism and hatred.


DE 2020 ‚111 Min., dt OmeU
Regie & Buch: Julia von Heinz
Kamera: Daniela Knapp
Schnitt: Georg Söring
mit: Mala Emde, Tonio Schneider, Luisa-Céline Gaffron, Andreas Lust


UND MORGEN DIE GANZE WELT | Offizieller Trailer deutsch | Jetzt im Kino
