
A film by Joachim Trier. In nor­weg­an with ger­man subtitles.

«THELMA is seduc­ti­ve and musi­cal in tone and struc­tu­re, with a more explo­ra­to­ry visu­al lan­guage than Joachim Trier’s ear­lier fea­tures that were more focu­sed on dia­lo­gue and expres­sed a grea­ter self-disci­pli­ne visual­ly. THELMA is more like his shorts, but obvious­ly more tem­pe­ra­te coming from his artis­tic matu­ri­ty, expe­ri­ence and tech­ni­ques. Zeitgeist is repla­ced by tim­e­l­ess­ness, cham­ber music by a sym­pho­ny. The sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly unpre­dic­ta­ble THELMA is the director’s most com­ple­te, lyri­cal and tran­s­cen­ding film. »
– Dag Sødholdt (Excerpt from

Joachim Trier’s first step into the gen­re film area is about the title cha­rac­ter Thelma, a young woman who moves away from her reli­gious fami­ly on the west coast of Norway to stu­dy in Oslo. Upon mee­ting fel­low stu­dent Anja hid­den fee­lings sur­face in Thelma, and after seve­ral inex­pli­ca­ble sei­zu­res she rea­li­zes that she is pos­s­es­sed by some­thing super­na­tu­ral – that might have ter­ri­fy­ing con­se­quen­ces. THELMA is a poe­tic pie­ce that embraces seve­ral impul­ses, gen­res and moods and is a major step onwards for Joachim Trier as a filmmaker.

Frankreich/Dänemark/Schweden/Norwegen 2017, 116 Min., nor­weg. OmU
Regie: Joachim Trier
Buch: Joachim Trier, Eskil Vogt
Kamera: Jakob Ihre
Schnitt: Oliver Bugge Coutté
Musik: Ola Fløttum
mit: Eili Harboe, Okay Kaya, Kaya Wilkins, Ellen Dorrit Petersen, Henrik Rafaelsen
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