
A Film by Martin Butler & Bentley Dean. In Nauvhal lan­guage with ger­man subtitles.

In a tra­di­tio­nal tri­bal socie­ty in the South Pacific, a young girl, Wawa, falls in love with her chief’s grand­son, Dain. When an inter­tri­bal war escala­tes, Wawa is unkno­wing­ly betro­thed as part of a peace deal. The young lovers run away, refu­sing her arran­ged fate. They must choo­se bet­ween their hearts and the future of the tri­be, while the vil­la­gers must wrest­le with pre­ser­ving their tra­di­tio­nal cul­tu­re and adap­ting it to the incre­asing out­side demands for indi­vi­du­al freedom.

Australien/ Vanuatu 2015, 100 Min., Nauvhal OmU
Regie: Martin Butler & Bentley Dean
Buch: Martin Butler, John Collee & Bentley Dean
Kamera: Bentley Dean
Schnitt: Tania Nehme
Darsteller: Mungau Dain, Marie Wawa, Marceline Rofit, Chief Charlie Kahla, Albi Nangia, Lingai Kowia, Dadwa Mungau, Linette Yowayin, Kapan Cook, Chief Mungau Yokay, Chief Mikum Tainokou