
A film by von Stéphane Brizé. In French.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

After pro­mi­sing 1100 employees that they would pro­tect their jobs, the mana­gers of a fac­to­ry deci­de to sud­den­ly clo­se up shop. Laurent takes the lead in a fight against this decision.




En guer­re, FR 2018, 113 Min., frz. OmU

Regie: Stéphane Brizé
Buch: Olivier Gorce, Stéphane Brizé
Kamera: Eric Dumont
Schnitt: Anne Klotz
mit: Vincent Lindon, Mélanie Rover, Jacques Borderie, David Rey, Olivier Lemaire, Isabelle Rufin, Bruno Bourthol

  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 


Kinotrailer „Streik” – Kinostart: 25.04.2019