
A film by Kurdwin Ayub. In Kurdish &  German with German subtitles

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In a moment of ordi­na­ry mad­ness, three girl­fri­ends deci­de to shoot a bur­qa music video. Yesmin is Kurdish and wears a headscarf, Bella descri­bes hers­elf as “half-Yugo(slavian)” and Nati “comes from Austria”. They get along like a house on fire in their Viennese “twerk bitch” dialect. Yasmin’s litt­le brot­her – no saint hims­elf – sque­als on Yesmin to their par­ents. But who could have known that Yesmin’s cool dad would “like” their video and would start chauf­feu­ring the­se “talen­ted women” from one Muslim com­mu­ni­ty fes­ti­vi­ty to ano­ther. The three soon beco­me famous, but then their views begin to diver­ge: Bella and Nati find a sur­pri­sing new cau­se in the shape of Kurdish patrio­tism; but, caught bet­ween the rea­li­ty show of her own life and the many others in her smart­phone, Yesmin starts to feel ali­en­ated from her cul­tu­re, her reli­gi­on, the chau­vi­nists around her and, final­ly, even from her fri­ends.
What is a “home­land”? This is the ques­ti­on that Kurdwin Ayub – who fled from Iraq to Austria in 1991 – posed una­b­as­hed­ly in direct cine­ma style in her cele­bra­ted fea­ture-length docu­men­ta­ry debut Paradies! Paradies!. How are opi­ni­ons for­med and how do ideo­lo­gies pre­vail? Staying true to her fresh-faced girls’ per­spec­ti­ve and her effu­si­ve­ly intro­ver­ted young hero­i­nes, she now shifts, fasci­na­tingly, into fiction.


AT 2021, 88 Min.,
Regie & Buch: Kurdwin Ayub
Kamera: Enzo Brandner
Schnitt: Roland Stöttinger
mit Melina Benli, Law Wallner, Maya Wopienka

Kinotrailer „Sonne” – Kinostart 1. Dezember 2022
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