
A film by Marina Hufnagel. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

An artful explo­ra­ti­on of acti­vism; a smart and time­ly hybrid film about an enti­re gene­ra­ti­on pushing boundaries.

Edda has been over­co­me by solast­al­gia: angu­ish over the des­truc­tion of our pla­net. Seeking refu­ge on the North Frisian island of Pellworm, she meets Sophie, a young far­mer who is suing the German govern­ment for her right to a future, in this artis­tic, ver­a­cious immersi­on in the lives of the Fridays for Future generation.


DE 2022, 72 Min., dt OmeU,
Regie: Marina Hufnagel
Kamera:: Felix Riedelsheimer
Schnitt: Melanie Jilg
mit: Marie Tragoustie, Sophie Backsen

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