Selbstkritik eines bürgerlichen Hundes

A film by Julian Radlmaier. In ger­man & eng­lish with ger­man subtitles

A bour­geois grey­hound con­fes­ses how he tur­ned from an ambi­tious but litt­le-reco­g­nis­ed film­ma­ker into a cani­ne. When his latest pro­ject is rejec­ted by every sin­gle fun­ding insti­tu­ti­on, Julian is forced to take on a job as a fruit picker. When he makes a young Canadian woman named Camille belie­ve that this is rese­arch for a com­mu­nist fairy­ta­le film in which she is to play the lea­ding role, she wants to come along, which kind­les roman­tic noti­ons in Julian. The pair winds up on an osten­si­bly idyl­lic but in rea­li­ty deep­ly explo­ita­ti­ve apple farm. Whilst Julian has a hard time coping with the phy­si­cal strain, Camille throws hers­elf enthu­si­a­sti­cal­ly into their sup­po­sed rese­arch and befri­ends Hong and Sancho, two naï­ve pro­le­ta­ri­ans in search of hap­pi­ness. Julian finds it incre­asing­ly dif­fi­cult to play the com­mu­nist film­ma­ker, then a model worker who dreams the American dream gets in his way, not to men­ti­on an unhin­ged monk with magi­cal powers. With all the­se seething con­flicts going on it’s no sur­pri­se that the farm owner is acci­den­tal­ly kil­led. In the end the enti­re orchard is buz­zing with an outra­ge­ous plan.

Deutschland 2017,  99 Min.
Regie, Buch, Schnitt: Julian Radlmaier
Kamera: Markus Koob
Julian Radlmaier
Deragh Campbell
Kyung-Taek Lie
Beniamin Forti
Ilia Korkashvili
Bruno Derksen