Schlingensief – In das Schweigen hineinschreien

A film by Bettina Böhler. In German with English subtitles.

[Credits] [Tickets &Termine] [Trailer]

What a joy it is to lis­ten to and watch Christoph Schlingensief once more! His razor-sharp mind, mischie­vous iro­ny and the poli­ti­cal cla­ri­ty with which he talks about hims­elf, his art and his films in Bettina Böhler’s docu­men­ta­ry make us keen­ly feel the loss of this excep­tio­nal artist. But at the same time, here he is, brought back to life on the big screen. In 2020, Christoph Schlingensief would have tur­ned 60. Bettina Böhler’s bril­li­ant­ly edi­ted work pulls off the con­sidera­ble feat of retel­ling his life and oeu­vre exclu­si­ve­ly from archi­ve foo­ta­ge in just two hours. From Schlingensief’s first Super 8mm films to his Fluxus Oratorio “A Church of Fear vs. The Alien Within”, her film spans for­ty years of crea­ti­vi­ty that also reflects for­ty years of (German-)German histo­ry, with which Schlingensief radi­cal­ly enga­ged throug­hout his life. Böhler mas­terful­ly assem­bles film clips and pri­va­te vide­os, recor­dings of theat­re per­for­man­ces and copious hither­to unpu­blished and new­ly digi­ta­li­sed mate­ri­al. At the end of this tour de force we are left with the ques­ti­on: Would Schlingensief’s art be con­ceiva­ble in this form today?


DE 2020, 124 Min., 
Regie, Buch, Schnitt: Bettina Böhler
mit Christoph Schlingensief, Margit Carstensen, Irm Hermann, Alfred Edel, Udo Kier


Schlingensief – In das Schweigen hin­ein­schrei­en | Offizieller Trailer HD | Jetzt im Kino