
a Film by Chloé Zhao. 

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In pre­vious films, Chloé Zhao alre­a­dy revi­si­ted the myths of the American West with a sen­si­ti­ve rea­lism that was groun­ded in working with peo­p­le from real life. With NOMADLAND, a recent win­ner of the Golden Lion in Venice, she achie­ves an even grea­ter level of reso­nan­ce, com­bi­ning indi­vi­du­al grief and the need for social rou­ti­nes with the idea of an ever-chan­ging fron­tier: this time it’s peo­p­le moving away from sett­le­ments, away from a cul­tu­re in decli­ne. We fol­low Frances McDormand in a sur­pri­sin­gly res­trai­ned lead per­for­mance that is all the more enthr­al­ling as a result: Fern, a woman of around 60 who has deci­ded to live in a RV fol­lo­wing the death of her hus­band. She’s not home­l­ess, she says, but house­l­ess, refu­sing a cer­tain kind of sym­pa­thy. Most of the other cha­rac­ters, inclu­ding part-time workers and peo­p­le found unwor­t­hy by the sys­tem, are real. NOMADLAND shows a side of America rare­ly seen in cine­ma. We accom­pa­ny desti­tu­te peo­p­le working in are­as such as an Amazon pack­ing sta­ti­on or in trai­ler parks in which the dro­pouts form sub­sti­tu­te com­mu­ni­ties. Despite its sharp obser­va­to­ry eye, the film is not see­king to make accu­sa­ti­ons about the exces­ses of an ailing sys­tem. Zhao is more inte­res­ted in soli­da­ri­ty, about the sen­se of social sup­port bloo­ming on the edge of socie­ty. (Dominik Kamalzadeh)


USA 2020, 108 Min., engl. OmU,
Regie: Chloé Zhao
Kamera: Joshua James Richards
Schnitt: Chloé Zhao
mit: Frances McDormand, David Strathairn, Linda May, Swankie, Bob Wells

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