Music for Black Pigeons

Music For Black Pigeons

A film by Jørgen Leth and Andreas Koefoed.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Music for Black Pigeons is the first col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween Jørgen Leth and Andreas Koefoed. The film poses exis­ten­ti­al ques­ti­ons to influ­en­ti­al jazz play­ers such as Bill Frisell, Lee Konitz, Midori Takada and many others: How does it feel to play, and what does it mean to lis­ten? What is it like to be a human being and spen­ding your who­le life try­ing to express some­thing through sounds? The cha­rac­ters wake up, rehe­ar­se, record, per­form and talk about music. In some moments they are on the edge, the edge of exis­tence, con­stant­ly chal­len­ging them­sel­ves. They lis­ten. They devo­te them­sel­ves to fin­ding a space to crea­te a con­nec­tion to some­thing big­ger than them­sel­ves. Something that will out­last all of us. For the past 14 years, the film­ma­kers fol­lo­wed Danish com­po­ser Jakob Bro, wit­nessing his musi­cal encoun­ters with acclai­med and eccen­tric musi­ci­ans from across gene­ra­ti­ons and natio­na­li­ties. Through Bro’s com­po­si­ti­ons, the film’s cha­rac­ters explo­re the space of music—and in doing so ans­wer some of the ques­ti­ons the film poses, in a poe­tic, life-affir­ming and enter­tai­ning way.


DK 2022, 92 Min., Englisch, Dänisch, Japanisch OmU
Jørgen Leth und Andreas Koefoedmäki
Kamera: Adam Jandrup, Dan Holmberg, Andreas Koefoed
Schnitt: Adam Nielsen
mit: Jakob Bro, Lee Konitz, Thomas Morgan, Paul Motian,
Bill Frisell, Mark Turner, Joe Lovano, Andrew Cyrille, Palle Mikkelborg,
Jon Christensen, Manfred Eicher, Midori Takada

Music For Black Pigeons TRAILER DE
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