
A film by Henrika Kull. In German.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

At a par­ty, Maryam and Jibril exch­an­ge glan­ces. Years later, Maryam hap­pens to meet the same young man again when she is asked to deli­ver a par­cel to someone in pri­son. The reci­pi­ent is none other than Jibril, who is ser­ving a sen­tence of seve­ral years. The attrac­tion bet­ween this sin­gle mother-of-three and the inma­te is just as strong as it was when they first met. Maryam plun­ges enthu­si­a­sti­cal­ly into an initi­al­ly lar­ge­ly pla­to­nic romance, which on the one hand may satis­fy cer­tain lon­gings on both sides, yet on the other also awa­kens desi­re. But having a rela­ti­onship with someone who isn’t the­re and who does­n’t par­ti­ci­pa­te in her life, and who she can’t even real­ly get to know, is a chall­enge for Maryam. Jibril too finds his situa­ti­on as a pri­soner incre­asing­ly dif­fi­cult to bear.
Henrika Kull stages the inti­ma­te sce­nes of her first dra­ma­tic fea­ture in impres­si­ve­ly natu­ra­li­stic clo­se-ups and, uti­li­sing the par­ti­cu­lar situa­ti­on of her two prot­ago­nists, rai­ses a big ques­ti­on: when exact­ly do you real­ly know someone – or do you just fall in love with your dream of being in love?



DE 2018, 83 Min.,
Regie, Buch, Schnitt: Henrika Kull 
Kamera: Carolina Steinbrecher 
mit: Susana Abdulmajid Malik Adan ( Doua Rahal Emna El-Aouni Regina Schulte am Hülse


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Jibril (Trailer) | missingFILMs | Kinostart: 09.05.2019