Im Stillen laut

A film by Therese Koppe.

[Credits] [Tickets & Termine] [Trailer]

Erika and Tine are 81 and have been a cou­ple for 40 years. The two women live on a farm in Brandenburg they res­to­red them­sel­ves and look back on eventful lives. In the GDR they both had to fight for per­so­nal and artis­tic free­dom and strug­g­led dai­ly with socia­lism, not to men­ti­on its actual­ly exis­ting con­tra­dic­tions. Unlike other GDR crea­ti­ve artists who cra­cked under the rejec­tion of their art and ide­as, they both take a humo­rous look back today at the mani­fold docu­ments of their lives, con­tex­tua­li­sing and con­tra­dic­ting the num­e­rous Stasi files with their own memo­ries, pho­tos, pain­tings, sculp­tures and texts. They use the con­ver­sa­ti­ons with the young direc­tor to take a clo­se look at their own (GDR) past, but also the post-reuni­fi­ca­ti­on peri­od, the pre­sent and future.

What can art do in times of social poli­ti­cal chall­enge? How can one stay true to ones­elf, art and one’s ide­als? Where are women still con­fron­ted by struc­tu­ral dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on today? How can social grie­van­ces be resol­ved tog­e­ther? By stay­ing natu­ral­ly clo­se to its prot­ago­nists, the film mana­ges to achie­ve an enchan­tingly lucid nar­ra­ti­ve about free­dom, auto­no­my, crea­ti­vi­ty and socia­li­ty – and, last but not least, a mar­vell­ous ode to love.

Luc-Carolin Ziemann


DE 2019, 74 Min., 
Buch & Regie: Therese Koppe
Kamera: Annegret Sachse
Schnitt: Evelyn Rack
