A Mans Flower Road

Hachimiri Madness – Japanese Indies from the Punk Years

Starts 13th April.

Under the title „Hachimiri Madness – Japanese Indies from the Punk Years”, the fsk cine­ma is show­ing a series of new­ly digi­ti­sed and sub­tit­led Japanese 8‑mm films from 1977 to 1990 which brea­the the rebel­lious spi­rit of that era. Many of the hig­hest pro­fi­le direc­tors Japan has to offer today made their debut fea­tures in this for­mat – very few of them have ever been shown inter­na­tio­nal­ly. The series was joint­ly cura­ted by Keiko Araki (PIA Tokyo), Jacob Wong (Hong Kong Film Festival) and Christoph Terhechte (Berlinale Forum).

I Am Sion Sono!! by Sion Sono, Japan 1984

The series includes Sion Sono’s I am Sion Sono!!, in which the then 22-year-old intro­du­ced hims­elf to audi­en­ces as a punk poet in non­cha­lant, self-con­fi­dent style, and Shinya Tsukamoto’s The Adventure of Denchu-Kozo, a huge­ly crea­ti­ve, wild cyber­punk dra­ma, whilst also taking in the lar­ge­ly unknown ear­ly works of direc­tors such as Sogo Ishii (today Gakuryu Ishii), Masashi Yamamoto, Nobuhiro Suwa and Shinobu Yaguchi.

In Yamamoto’s anar­chic fea­ture debut Saint Terrorism, a girl in a pink and yel­low out­fit shoots inno­cent peo­p­le at see­ming ran­dom with a gun con­cea­led in her white hand­bag, with the bodies being car­ri­ed off by the uni­form-wea­ring mem­bers of a cult. Yaguchi’s won­derful­ly melan­cho­ly The Rain Women has two women ride their bikes through a con­ve­ni­ence store, wear out count­less umbrel­las whilst wan­de­ring through the sog­gy land­scape and warb­le “Singing in the Rain” dres­sed as a J‑Pop duo. And in Suwa’s gangs­ter bal­lad Hanasaseru Gang, it’s hard to escape the impres­si­on that Pierrot le fou has wan­de­red into the Japan of the ear­ly 80s.


14.04.17 (Good Friday) 

16.00 Saint Terrorism
 – Masashi Yamamoto, 1980, 127 min

18.30 Isolation of 1880000
 – Sogo Ishii, 1977, 43 min

 – Macoto Tezka, 1979, 6 min

UNK – Macoto Tezka, 1979, 15 min

20.00 Hanasareru Gang
 – Nobuhiro Suwa, 1984, 85 min

21.45 A Man’s Flower Road – Sion Sono, 1986, 110 min

15.04.17 Saturday

16.00 Happiness Avenue
 – Katsuyuki Hirano, 1986, 93 min

16.04.17 (Easter Sunday)

16.00 I Am Sion Sono!! – Sion Sono, 1984, 37 min

Tokyo Cabbageman K – Akira Ogata, 1980, 59 min

17.04.17 (Easter Monday)

16.15 The Rain Women
 – Shinobu Yaguchi, 1990, 72 min

All the dates below beginn at 18.00:

20.4. Isolation of 1880000
 – Sogo Ishii, 1977, 43 min

 – Macoto Tezka, 1979, 6 min

UNK – Macoto Tezka, 1979, 15 min

21.4 Hanasareru Gang
 – Nobuhiro Suwa, 1984, 85 min

22.4. I Am Sion Sono!! – Sion Sono, 1984, 37 min

Tokyo Cabbageman K – Akira Ogata, 1980, 59 min

23.4. Happiness Avenue
 – Katsuyuki Hirano, 1986, 93 min

24.4. The Rain Women
 – Shinobu Yaguchi, 1990, 72 min

25.4. A Man’s Flower Road – Sion Sono, 1986, 110 min

26.4. Saint Terrorism
 – Masashi Yamamoto, 1980, 127 min