Gundermann Revier

A film by Grit Lemke . On December 13th + 14th at the fsk.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

My swing stands in an enchan­ted gar­den, just behind the rail­way embank­ment. When I’m at the top of the swing, I see trains sque­al­ing by day and night, lea­ving black dust behind. They come from huge holes gaping bet­ween our vil­la­ges. As a child I thought the who­le world loo­ked like this. Holes with vil­la­ges in bet­ween, my swing in the midd­le. And the trains. They are coal trains.”

Gerhard Gundermann (1955–1998), sin­ger-song­wri­ter, poet and excava­tor ope­ra­tor in the Lusatian brown coal mines. In this regi­on, glo­bal pro­blems are con­den­sed on a local level as if by a bur­ning glass – from struc­tu­ral chan­ge to cli­ma­te cri­sis. Mostly unpu­blished archi­ve mate­ri­al and Gundermann’s songs enter into a dia­lo­gue with obser­va­tions and con­ver­sa­ti­ons in his “dis­trict”, accom­pa­nied by the voice-over of the direc­tor, who is no less deep­ly roo­ted in the coal mining dis­trict. Home and its des­truc­tion through strip mining, uto­pian ide­as and the ques­ti­on of indi­vi­du­al respon­si­bi­li­ty run through the songs, as do their con­se­quen­ces for gain­ful employ­ment and the envi­ron­ment at the end of the indus­tri­al age. And they are more topi­cal than ever today: “Where my swing stood and later your excava­tor the­re is now a lake.”

Frederik Lang



DE 2019, 98 Min.
Regie: Grit Lemke
Kamera: Uwe Mann
Schnitt: Sven Kulik


  • noch kei­ne oder kei­ne mehr 



GUNDERMANN REVIER – Trailer from Gregor Streiber on Vimeo.