Global Family

A film by Andreas Köhler and Melanie Andernach, Starts June, 30th at the fsk.

Yasmin has lived an almost nor­mal life as a German ever sin­ce she was three years old. The fami­ly fled from Somalia during the civil war and now lives scat­te­red around the glo­be. When Yasmin’s grand­mo­ther no lon­ger wants to stay in her Ethiopian exi­le, a trans­na­tio­nal fami­ly dra­ma evol­ves, cir­cling around the essen­ti­al ques­ti­on: Where is Granny to live? And sud­den­ly, the fami­ly con­fronts their own aspi­ra­ti­ons: Have they actual­ly arri­ved whe­re they want to be? GLOBAL FAMILY is a twistful docu­men­ta­ry about a trans­na­tio­nal fami­ly dra­ma, in which four gene­ra­ti­ons of a refu­gee fami­ly each pur­sue their own dreams of fami­ly, home, and future.

Deutschland 2018,  91 Min., Dt., Som., Ital. mit dt. UT 
Regie: Andreas Köhler, Melanie Andernach
Kamera: Andreas Köhler
Schnitt: Nicole Kortlüke, Carina Mergens


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Trailer Global Family