Fucking Bornholm

A film by Anna Kazejak. In Polish and Danish with German subtitles.

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On the Danish island of Bornholm, two fami­lies spend their tra­di­tio­nal short vaca­ti­on tog­e­ther. The cam­pers park at a prime beach loca­ti­on and pitch tent for the three boys – so far, so good. But an inci­dent with the child­ren upsets the idyll: What beg­ins as an imma­tu­re quar­rel gra­du­al­ly deve­lo­ps into a full-blown fight. Soon the pit­falls of rai­sing child­ren, mid­life cri­ses and marital pro­blems are ruthl­ess­ly expo­sed – and the ori­gi­nal­ly rela­xing vaca­ti­on turns into a puri­fy­ing pur­ga­to­ry. Director Anna Kazejak allows bour­geois fami­ly ide­als to col­l­i­de with for­mal sove­reig­n­ty in her come­dy dra­ma FUCKING BORNHOLM.


PL 2022, 96 min, poln. dän. OmU
Regie: Anna Kazejak
Kamera: Jakub Stolecki
Schnitt: Maciej Pawlinski
mit Agnieszka Grochowska, Maciej Stuhr, Grzegorz Damięcki, Jasmina Polak and Magus Krepper

Im Kino mit deut­schen Untertiteln
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