The Florida Project

A Film by Sean Baker. In eng­lish with ger­man subtitles.

Colourful sou­ve­nir shops and shab­by motels with pro­mi­sing names line a sub­urb of the per­haps hap­piest place in the world: Disneyworld in Orlando, Florida. At the „Magic Castle Inn”, is whe­re Mooney lives. The smart six-year-old girl and her fri­ends Scootey and Jancey hang around the neigh­bour­hood all day begging for ice cream and get­ting mixed up in all kinds of mischief. Little does she under­stand the worries of her mother Halley, who recent­ly lost her job as a strip­per and has no way of pay­ing the 35-dol­lar-a-week rent. If worst comes to the worst, their last hope lies in the gene­ro­si­ty of the stern yet equal­ly kind-hear­ted motel owner Bobby… Director Sean Baker once again cap­tures the American sub­cul­tu­re with sen­si­ti­vi­ty and incre­di­ble viva­ci­ty. One of the most cele­bra­ted films of the year.

OT: The Florida Projekt
USA, 2017, 115min, engl. OmU
Drehbuch: Sean Baker, Chris Bergoch
Kamera: Alexis Zabe
Schnitt: Sean Baker

mit: Willem Dafoe
Brooklynn Prince
Valeria Cotto
Bria Vinaite
Christopher Rivera


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