Ex Libris – The Public Library von New York

A film by Frederick Wiseman.  In English with German subtitles.

[Credits] [Termine] [Trailer]

Cinematically vivi­sec­ting US-insti­tu­ti­ons sin­ce 1967, Frederick Wiseman has been able to sus­tain inte­rest throug­hout his docu­men­ta­ry epi­cs becau­se his obser­va­tio­nal approach insists that dra­ma is woven into the fabric of ever­y­day life. EX LIBRIS beg­ins by intro­du­cing the NYPL as a public-pri­va­te part­ner­ship. Whether sit­ting in on free talks by gre­at thin­kers like Patti Smith, obser­ving a job fair in the Bronx, or pee­king into a down­town recor­ding stu­dio. – Wiseman boun­ces bet­ween three dif­fe­rent boroughs wit­hout ever losing sight of how the Library sur­vi­ves by giving peo­p­le the resour­ces they need. “Libraries are not about books,” someone says in the film, “libra­ri­es are about peo­p­le.” As EX LIBRIS makes clear, the NYPL is more than just a repo­si­to­ry of dus­ty hard­co­vers. It’s a tree with 92 bran­ches, and deep roots that bind new york city tog­e­ther. It’s a living orga­nism that allows peo­p­le to bet­ter dis­co­ver and con­tex­tua­li­ze their place in this world. But the main source of con­ten­ti­o­nof this film — is the ques­ti­on of digi­tiza­ti­on. Wiseman is fasci­na­ted by how an insti­tu­ti­on of this size and signi­fi­can­ce tran­si­ti­ons from a pas­si­ve archi­ve to an acti­ve part of the community.
(David Ehrlich)


USA 2017, 206 Min., engl. OmU,
Regie, Buch, Schnitt:Frederick Wiseman



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